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Everything posted by skifreak

  1. If you call the ski report it says they blew on six trails, easy out, vista, midway, mainsteet, homestrech, school hill. Looks like now they are out grooming.
  2. Ok guys, I finally got my digital camera and I started up my gun earlier tonight just so you could get some pics. I will load them up on here tomorrow after I figure out how to get them in here. Now I am telling no there is just a dusting on the ground because I just wanted to get pics of it in action and it doesn't look good for snowmaking til about friday and then I will post pics of accumulation and possibly the test of my tower gun.
  3. Yeah still snow on homestrech but earlier this morining there was more towards the end of homestrech heading towards the challenge lift. I thought those 2 tracks were from a sled too. I can't wait until they open I will be there the day they first open up for sure.
  4. I don't know how much they blew down by the challenge lift but looks like pretty much melted from this morning. I'm still suprised at how much is still on the ground even on mainstreet it looks like. I guess thats because the sun isn't affecting it perhaps.
  5. Are you guys blowing them in piles (snowfarming) to prevent snow from melting over the weekend until it gets cold at the end of the week to start the system back up?
  6. Simply amazing, thats why my money always goes to blue!
  7. skifreak

    Racing on TV

    I will be watching!
  8. call the toll free snow report 1-877-skiblue and listen to what they say.
  9. I'm sorta confused if they were just testing them out wouldn't they have stopped already? I mean if they are just training or testing why waste all of the electricity. Last thing if they are just training why are they doing it on a bunch of trails. Anyway its beautiful!
  10. Yeah that is what I've been hearing and seeing to on the weather forecasts, looks like it finally cools next friday.
  11. No, that is one I got off of mckinney snowmaking.
  12. Sry to snow on your parade but the way the temps and humidty are they can't make snow becauae the wetbulb is too warm.
  13. I've been making snow for about 5 years now and this years going to rock if my tower gun works.
  14. God, I hope it stays this way this time.
  15. Looks like finally next week around the 8th or 9th looks like a major cool down with highs not even reaching 40
  16. At this point its questionable when they will start because of the temps.
  17. Thats awesome! Same here I am waiting for cold temps to test out my tower gun I built over the summer.
  18. Heres a link to it... http://wwwa.accuweather.com/adcbin/public/..._snowcenter.asp
  19. As every year they try to open early this year is no exception they aren't. There is no way anybody will be open for awhile around here.
  20. Season, I know I wish it meant each month.
  21. Well according to another map of theirs, it appears that we will be getting about 12"-36" of snow this season.
  22. I know this dam weather is like a friggin rolercoaster I doubt they will be blowing snow the way the highs are during the day
  23. Good They better be right or we will sue for false advertising
  24. zonked
  25. Wow I see the house across the street.
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