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Everything posted by antman12

  1. Amazing day today, like said before very soft snow and cascade was on point as usual.
  2. Ummm wtf does that mean? And how does that relate? Anyways im not even going to lie ive watched curling a couple times already
  3. First I dont think skiing halfpipe will ever be an olympic sport just because they hae so many other discplines. How is having a straight air in your run a cop out? White had one in everyone of his xgames runs and he won that. Im not saying it shows more skill, but how come there were people still having more trouble with a straight air than a doublecork. And as far as set up airs, I dont think it matters that much considering all the back to back 10s and 12s were seeing.
  4. How is it lame that you have to have a straight air? I think its a really good idea, becuase like the annoucer said it shows control. I remember a couple guys had some trouble with them and flailing their arms. Id rather watch a huge straight air then a double cork twelve(which is so gnarly) any day.
  5. antman12


    Like everyone else said just go right pass the parking attendent, whats hes serisouly going to do? And the more they put people in the upper parking lots the more spots that get left open in the paved section when people leave. If anyone really needs an excuse for the attendent, jusr tell him you will "take your chances" or "ill be here till closing".
  6. The new superman setup is waay better. And why doesnt the park crew touch the jump in cascade throughout the day? Its usually pretty chewed up by night.
  7. Night sessions have been on point this year minus 2 or 3 nights. Quit bitching about ice and night riding and just fuckin ride. Not everybody has the luxury to ride during the day. To tell you the truth many night have been better then during the day, less crowds, good snow and hardly anybody in cascade many nights.
  8. Sean I was just about to say the same thing. Im about to head up now so hopefully the park wont have speed issues anymore.
  9. Wheres the candycane? lol. And i felt all the set ups are actually pretty on point. Can park crew please shape up the bmx line, expecially the forth jump
  10. good shit ashy, where you hitting up rails?
  11. The parks kickin ass right now minus the "butter worthless pad" and the 420 box. I dont really like the new jib garden layout, however we needed a change from the old setup so im glad they changed it up.
  12. yea I dont know what up rail Capita is talking about The butter pad is the dumbest feature they added. They either need to put an ollie onto rail off of it(to keep the goobers from messing it up), or make it much bigger like the lego block from last year. Right now its tiny and pointless...
  13. what new step up?
  14. the new jump line soooooo much fun. Park crew has to fix the lips on the jumps, there all alittle sketchy haha. not really feeling the new jib lines but oh well.
  15. The first two jumps were pretty freakin good last night. and yes justo the jumps were pretty poppy.
  16. the landings had a lot of ice tonight, but the jumps looked good to hit in the day, not so much at night.
  17. My friend and I both had free tickets from pelican so we went up for a couple hour session. Conditions werent too bad, minus the huge patches of ice down sidewinder . The jump line looked really good and the rails were all set up well. except the triple short box thing is pointless. We only took one run outside of the park on our last run, which was bombing challenge to falls.
  18. Has anybody checked the webcams today? looks like the lost A LOT of snow from all the rain. Apparently enough to close for today.
  19. The park has been sick the past couple nights. Good shit park crew! And the new jump in cascade is perfect. But whats up with the first jump on Black Bear, isnt it possible to get ANY light on it...
  20. I want to know when we will see a Cascade rebuild too. And why does everyone hate the cliff? I enjoy jumping of the side and sometimes the top. But if you dont like it..... ride by it? And I have been impressed by bear over the past week or two.
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