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About riderossi

  • Birthday 06/06/1987

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  • Equipment
    Rossignol 153/ Drake's Rome agent 152/Agency Tro It's Capita Stairmaster Extreme 152/07' Rome 390's
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  • Home Mountain
    Sno Mountain

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  1. riderossi


    Been there for 20 years. They used to (don't think they do anymore) host a PGA tour event once a year.
  2. I was leaving around 6, before that conditions up top was spring snow with good coverage. Still enough snow in the "glades" to mess around in. North face was sugar with some ice patches due to being in the shade. Lower Fast Track stayed in the sun for a while so did some playing on that instead of Cannonball or Boomer. 3 hours, 6,000 vert, only 8 runs = still fun day
  3. "National Penn had extended two mortgages totaling $8.9 million to Snö Mountain's ownership group and could have exercised "credit bids" without committing any money up to that amount. It is Snö Mountain's largest creditor"
  4. The only reason the banks bid was so close was because there was only two bidders and the bank is already out millions. They were going to keep bidding the price up for "free"basically, to get their money back all the way up to $8.9 million. They simply just outbid the partners by a million because they were then waiting for the partners to go 1 million higher, then they would bid up again. It's not like the partners needed only $1 mill to buy the place...more like $4 million. I'm sure if the partners or Camelback were willing to spend 7.5-8 million there may have been a small chance the bank would have taken a little hit to get most of it's money back, but they weren't going to take a $4 million + hit.
  5. Bank was the highest bidder..
  6. Long Haul is indeed higher, but for that run I went back to the quad. It also looks like I started at the top of the quad for the cannonball run also, so there is a 56 foot discrepancy between the two runs with the same start and finish point. Seeing as how the app automatically tracks the differences between your runs and your lift rides, I could see some error maybe happening there. A couple feet extra added to the lift ride when you are actually on the snow and the same when getting on the lift maybe...but the vert is still going up and down so who knows. It's close enough to keep a general idea of your day, not exact enough to be science apparently.
  7. "Ski Tracks". I think Schif said it's like $1.29 or something like that for Android.It's a cool app, it automatically lays all your runs and lift rides out on a map (which can be satellite image), inserts an icon on the map at the exact spot you took the picture, tracks vert and top speed amongst other things. You can see how it adds the lift rides in, which like I said, the app does itself. There is a margin of error in the vert statistics, looking back at my last day riding the average vert for the quad was 570 feet. The tracking of your path is scary accurate though, you can usually tell what side of the trail you went down and everything. I may have done the Cannonball run from mid-mountain (starting at the base of the bunny hill) rather than the top of the lift, I don't remember.
  8. 616 feet for a White Lightning run.
  9. Lightning was definitely sweet yesterday
  10. I'm on iron horse ill wait up top if you want to meet up and do a fast track cruiser
  11. On phoebe or iron horse?
  12. You wearing a helmet? Probably was you behind me on the lift when he was setting up, I think I made it off just in time to miss him.
  13. Indeed, Boomer is the tits, lapping Northface right now.
  14. Anybody up here?
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