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Everything posted by riderossi

  1. yeah and why put gas in your car when eventually the engine is going to die on you anyway..
  2. I definitely need a wax, it hasn't been waxed since the beginning of the season but i don't feel like spending money on it. My cast is supposed to come off tomorrow and then i'll be breaking out my new board again so i should be good.
  3. You are also hitting it at a different time of the day. Today my friend and i combined got stuck on top of the A-frame, 20 ft table, 20 ft flat box up top. Also the battleship and rainbow at the bottom. I didn't even attempt the S-box today because yesterday i stuck on it and went flying off onto my side/back and pulled a bunch of muscles or something in it. Was the middle section of the battleship holding up tonight without wobbling? It was like a C-saw in the morning, we had to pull it out and drill a couple holes out to get it level.
  4. yeah i did forget it..oh well. That DFD was supposed to be closed off all night. The park was closed all this morning so everything should be i as good of shape as the wind allows. The zaugg is supposed to be arriving monday, but don't hold your breath on that. They are still planning on putting in a 13 foot pipe, about 200 foot long. Boxes were still nice and sticky when i hit them last.
  5. Alright here is a current list of the the features in both terrain parks: Main park on Spike : Choice of 10 foot park bench or 20 foot mailbox jump Choice of 5 features. 20 foot flat box, 20 foot picnic table, 20 foot A-frame, 20 foot down rail (double barrel) or 20 foot down box down picnic table S-box jump Choice of 4 features. 20 foot up box, 10-15 foot flat down box, 20 foot whale tail, or 20 foot flat bar. jump up box to gap to flat box to gap to down box (battleship), approximately 20-30 feet long 30 foot rainbow box 10 foot podium box Beginner park on Mainline : 10-15 foot flat down box 10 foot rainbow box 15-20 foot flat bar jump 10 foot flat box 10-15 foot up-flat box 5 foot mailbox Choice of 10 foot C-box or 10 foot flat box * all measurements are just approximations by me and may not be exact.
  6. I'll be there tomorrow from 7am-7pm.
  7. There are 3 jumps...
  8. I'm pretty sure that that is on the first roller at the bottom of the trail, and the 30 ft rainbow is on the second roller. I'll be riding after work tomorrow to try the new stuff out. It's awesome that they put in a bunch of new stuff, but it means more stuff to groom when working the park
  9. Well we know the person in charge of updating the site doesn't proof read too thoroughly, it's always full of typos. But i don't know..."an all new concept"?
  10. In the process of doing it now
  11. Yeah, if you can get the chance to hit it without the "Rictor Beez" posing for pictures all over it...
  12. no but we've been asked that so many times that we may as well be. How did you guys like the setups and jumps tonight?
  13. no the other one
  14. You came close a few times tonight. But that box was totally kicking my ass. I only came close once the entire night..and that one still wasn't even that close. I worked from 7-3:30 so i was pretty warn out which may have been a factor, or i'm just making up excuses
  15. You and everyone else There's 3 main ways to go about it. The first would be to have the box centered under your board and just shift your upper body weight in the transition. The second is to go at the first C high up in a nose slide (if you are regular) and then once you get to the transition shift your weight and board up into a nose slide for the second C. And the last way would be the half-ass way. Do half a boardslide half 50-50 and come at it at a bit straighter of an angle and just ride through the entire thing. But aside from that, the amount of people that have no idea what they are doing in the park is getting out of control. They need to implement some sort of pass for next year. Tonight i hit the A-frame and was sliding the down part when i see a kid sitting 5-10 feet from the end of the box. I didn't have enough time to stop and plowed right into him like a base runner trying to knock the ball out of a catchers mitt at homeplate. Thankfully i didn't get hurt or i would have been even more pissed than i already was. I did get a whole bunch of snow up my jacket though
  16. well we are all just waiting for the new rails to get here. I wouldn't bother wasting your time at the "beginner" park, it's total shit now. After doing some hiking tonight i finally did the S-box after around 30 attempts :rock
  17. "Planet Snow Tools finished final phase of Loki's Terrain Park. Half Pipe is coming. Click on Loki's Terrain Park page to see highlights, photos and updates. Come see over 18 new rails and huge jumps. Plus more rails on the way" lost of new pics too : http://snomtn.com/terrainpark/index.htm
  18. a couple more pictures of what the Planet guys can do : http://www.planetsnowtools.com/about/photo-gallery.html
  19. You are missing out, the woods one runaways and fasttracks are real nice. Not many people hit the woods on runaway, they are thicker than upper fastrack but still fun. And there aren't any signs saying to stay out of the woods..maybe the new owners allow tree skiing
  20. rumor has it that last day is march 20th..
  21. Saturday, Grand Opening of Loki's Terrain Park at 12pm. from the site
  22. He attempted it a few different times. He messed up his collar bone (fractured or dislocated, i forget what it was) and cracked or separated his sternum. He had to get a a pin or something for one of them.
  23. oh no doubt, either last year or the year before i remember hiking over to fastrack after a "dump" when it was still closed and get a full top to bottom run with awesome powder. Yesterday we were hitting the woods on White Lightning, not from a dump, but from all the snow they have been pumping out.
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