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Everything posted by riderossi

  1. sorry to break the news guys...but i think sno mountain is going to have another lawsuit on their hands. I went for a warm cup of hot cocoa this morning and when i reached for a mug, i grabbed this: Property of the Avon company...and this mug is older than i, surely Sno Mountain completely ripped the moose from them. Get ready for another 2 months of delay, sorry but i have to inform Avon. I sure hope Washo isn't reading this...i may give him enough for another suit
  2. I personally would have liked to have seen the initial deadline extended a week or two for Snow Time. As the paper stated, there clearly was a bidding process going on. And given the extra time, i think snow time could have put together a proposal more suited to the county's liking. There shouldn't be a question in anyone's mind that Snow Time would be a better owner of the mountain than Sno Mountain. I think Snow Time would have been better for us, as they have the experience, and they were willing to sink more money into the mountain for the winter season (if i remember correctly, i could be wrong).
  3. hell yeah
  4. That's a surprise that they let you pick up someone else's check. My other 2 friends an I worked there the previous year, then the mountain in the winter, then back at teh stadium the following summer and they still would not let us pick up each other's checks. The managers knew all of us and still wouldn't let it happen. There used to be this lady that came up to the mountain to work the payroll during the middle of the season who was the biggest nazi ever. She would come out and try to tell us how to do our job, and she had no place telling us what to do. She wouldn't let me take my friends check with me when i went in to get mine, while he was working the line 15 feet away That's one of the good things about montage..a few steps and you are ready to hit up first run on northface without a lift ride. Don't have to worry about tumbling down all those steps that way Thinking they might do that after parts of the deal are finalized. And it already looks like they have update the new site more in the past 2 weeks than the old site was all of last year combined
  5. and have my "step-father" bring me
  6. i was looking at those and i don't think i'll have the money to get one this year. Unless i could maybe pass for 18 without a photo id, but i think it's required to have an ID to get one right? I know i used mine last year to get the lackawanna discount thing..
  7. Interesting..i've never got the chance to go there, and didn't think that sort of trail existed around this area. I've always wanted montage to take out some stumps and make the area under Pheobe a trail. Guess i will try to get there this year and check it out.
  8. and it's open to ride on "legally"?
  9. Montage is already bought by sno mountain... and give your friend's dad a swift kick in the nuts for me too. He's included in sno mountains countersuit if i'm not mistaken, hope they have the money. You make a good point about the business. It will certainly be much more crowded, when the Clippers came into town there was always a noticable difference in attendance. Tuesdays were pretty much hell, especially stand 3.
  10. I agree, as a yankee fan myself. Kind of wish now that i didn't quit working up there haha. And they clinched the A.L. East again , thanks Boston
  11. oh don't worry, Washo is going to file suit to try to get the Bad News Bears to play there instead.
  12. As much as these improvements are going to be nice and all...i'd rather if things just stayed the way they are. Granted i mean without millions of $ loss, and some little sprucing up, but still be montage as we know it. Never waiting for a lift, untracked powder all day long(when we do actually get a a little dump). I'm certainly not going to be a fan of seeing all those water rides littered throughout the mountainside in the middle of winter either... New lodge? I'm fine with the one they've got now. Although a lodge at northface would be nice, but nothing i can't and haven't lived without for countless seasons. Hiking is almost definately going to be out this spring considering all the work that is going to be going on up there.. Hopefully it just doesn't become the "cool" place to be with 5 minute lift lines. Yes, 5 minute lifts lines are going to feel like an eternity for us That being said, i still have my fingers crossed for the sale.. I know what will happen if the county doesn't dump it off soon.
  13. As Montage gets ready, no one knows for what Another article in the paper. "The new snow guns, a combination of fixed and portable units, would be supplied by Snow Machines Inc., of Midland, Mich. SMI President Joe VanderKelen said installing the guns and additional supporting infrastructure, such as new piping and electrical service, would be a
  14. I don't know if i will be finding the money to throw out $500+ for a season pass this year.. hell with growing up, i want to get the youth deals.
  15. Have you guys had a look at the map of "sno cove"? It looks like the present snow tubing area and part of spike is going to be taken over by a wave pool..? I don't see a pipe and a wave pool happening in the same place? Maybe their scale is off on the map..And it appears that the "tornados" will be taking up the space between the bunny and mainline. I was hoping for a new small path to be cut from mainline to the top of the bunny as the current one has too much of an angle on it, and is more from going from the top of the bunny to bottom of mainline, not the other way around. Riders have to unstrap to get to the top of that hill unless the snow conditions are really fast. edit: oh my...hell they don't need to make a pipe. Check out the video for the "tornado". Just blow some snow in that bad boy and i'll be having some fun Video
  16. Well width is fine and all, but if the park is short and has features side by side (meaning you can only hit one at a time, like at the top of the park last year, ie: flat rail or flat box, not both.), it's going to get old fast with the speed of the lifts at montage. It will probably be better in reality than i am imagining now though. Hopefully. And fingers are crossed for the court.
  17. I am majorly confused trying to imagine a park across spike, mainline, and the area in between Guess i will have to wait until it happens to see it in person.
  18. If the park is ending at the "pipe" where are the other 3 headwalls coming from?
  19. Wouldn't that be a pretty small park?
  20. Cannonball is only a single diamond. No matter what the difficult though, jumping blindly off of a headwall is reckless. You know there is a chance that there could be someone on that headwall sitting down, hurt, or doing a pizza therefor you shouldn't jump the headwall without a spotter. Someone can easily be killed on a headwall like cannonball's. Now...with that being said, i love jumping that headwall, with or without a spotter . But one time last year i was going to launch off of the headwall but then decided against it, right in the line i was taking over the headwall was a group of little kids. There is no doubt that i would have seriously injured one of them or myself if i had jumped. Intuition at its best i suppose.
  21. well that would be nice and all...but i like having a simple flat box to learn new things on. Make them get another
  22. It's a step up from montages site . Apparently the park is going to be on upper runnaway again? "Trail Map and Stats of Sn
  23. haha, yes i mean the 390's. I couldn't find a shop around here last year that had them so i settled for the tro its. Unfortunately, Agency is now shut down. Sounds good..
  24. If you can get them for a nice price, i'd be up for a pair of 360's to go with the board. Another thing, would we have to pay for shipping from Cali?
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