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About Sensi

  • Birthday April 20

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Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. you know, you REALLY need to get whatever elitist bullshit properly educated mommy/daddy paying piece of shit out of your ass and stop trying to put people down just because of the choices they make in life. there are an infinite number of ways one can live a life...
  2. this god damn fire is so delightful.
  3. my friend graduated college. 6 months grace period then he has to start paying 600/month back the school loans. and cant find a job... sleeping in whaaaa?
  4. they open dec 3rd! theyve started snowmaking too! so excited!
  5. why is it not public? what is blue hiding killingtons is public.
  6. i slept in a few hotel parking lots. you see the sketchiest people around 2-4 am. its a little scary honestly cause its just you in this car with the windows cracked hiding under a blanket.
  7. been pretty nice up here in VT lately. still havent got a chance to go ski yet though.
  8. so, the resorts that are already in geographical areas that get the most snow, will be getting more snow?
  9. if my family ever makes a trip down to pa i see two new ledges i would love to hit
  10. premature ejaculation for your ears. the "trend" is for every 15 year old to think "ooooo i like the bass and sounds of this song and i loooooooooooveeee rusko!!! where can i find some DJ programs???" when in reality people think they do a lot of x because they listen to it.
  11. noob. you dont need to quit. just change your approach thats all.
  12. my 2nd cousin went to germany for a little bit. that christmas joke was pretty funny when i think about all the pictures she brought back.
  13. we might drive up for a little bit. we got a season pass this year but im not too excited for one trail.
  14. thats not cool
  15. Troll.
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