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Everything posted by Cowboy

  1. Roundtop's comp scene is usually pretty crazy. During the annual fall rail jam there have been around 100 - 200 competitors each year who made the trip to Roundtop in the past 2 years since the fall rail jam has been happening. Typically, there are about 20 skiers who will enter the comp and probably around 40? snowboarders. It's usually some heated competition. Mostly locals, but there are a bunch of people who make the trip down. Also, in the past the features that Roundtop has put together for these jams are usually incredible. They have a tendency to build large (but hitable) features!
  2. Cowboy


    haha nipples IS a celebrity! He'd totally win that comp at RT. The kid's craaaazy.
  3. i saw the Rain/Shine thing in an email from roundtop announcing a lot of the details abuot this weekend.
  4. Hey Guys, As always, Roundtop's website is lacking some serious details about the jam. So, i suggest you head over to www.RoundtopRiders.com and check out the events page for all of the updated details. All of the info I posted on the site comes directly from the P&P Manager at Roundtop. Ahh, and what's up to Mr. PSU! I go to school in Happy Valley also and i'm home for the Jam. I'll see you there. Are you friends with Kyle B?
  5. hahahahhahahahaha!
  6. Yeah, i kind of want to go to see Senses Fail. The tour came to Hershey last year, i think lots of people went. I had to work that day unfortunantly.
  7. Haha yeah, this will be Steve and Will's second trip to British Columbia in 3 months. Here is a link to the trailer: http://option5team.com/video/Teaser_001.mp4 Keep in mind, that i made the trailer when i had about 60% of the footage from the season. I did not get the other 40% of my footage (my best stuff...) until after the trailer was released. So, papa can vouche for me on this one, all of the good footage isn't in the trailer at all. If you want to check out the other 17 video edits we have: http://option5team.com/index.php?id=edits_video ** Note: Most of the videos are in Mp4 format which requires an updated version of Quicktime to play. (www.Quicktime.com) Hope you like it!
  8. Cowboy


    Newschoolers is and will always be the major forum for us Roundtop folk. However, i think it's important that we frequent this board as well so that we can find out more about other resorts around PA as well as expose some of you Pocono skiers to the freeride scene which is BLOWING up at Roundtop. There are over 90 members in our 'cult' on Newschoolers...about 50 of which I know ride primarily at Roundtop. I hadn't heard a thing about this website until papasteeze spread the word around Newschoolers. A few of us have joined since then.
  9. Well, to clarify the whole option5team /roundtopriders thing... Option5team was created this past fall as a bunch of Hershey/Hummelstown skiers who skied at Roundtop. It was basically just to showcase some of the talent of a few local riders that happen to be my friends/brother. RoundtopRiders.com will be released this coming fall (05-06 Season). I'm going to keep the main features but try to incorporate Ski Roundtop's Park and Pipes into the site more. I would like Park Updates and detailed descriptions of the parks and pipes. I am hoping to create a site that picks up the slack of Roundtop's current P&P website. The team for the next season will also be changed. Among the team members will be: Steve Stepp Evan Resetar Kyle Wagner Mike Gallaher Alex Curry Michelle Wagner Will Stepp We feel that this 'new' team of riders will be a great addition to the site in both quality and quantity of content displayed. Currently, both option5team.com and roundtopriders.com link to the same website. In the next few months I will be working on the 05-06 Roundtop Riders website and will be releasing it before the new season is under way. If you would be interested in a copy of the video from the 04-05 Ski Season, please send an email to Jason@psu.edu. The DVD's will be $10 each and i'd be happy to mail them out for you at no additional cost. The video is about 20 minutes in length and has close to 30 minutes in additional footage including full video recaps of the majority of competitions that occurred at Roundtop this season. Thanks! Jason Wagner
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