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Everything posted by tarponhead

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/27/world/europe/coronavirus-vaccine-update-oxford.html?referringSource=articleShare
  2. http://In Whitlock’s post, she wrote about how the restrictions put in place amid the COVID-19 pandemic are violating her First Amendment rights as well as her 5th and 14th Amendment rights. So I guess it’s her constitutional right to infect and kill others. Ok, swell
  3. It is terrible and it did make me laugh
  4. Bumping this because it made my morning
  5. Nope. You are belittling/trivializing scientific expertise. That’s why we are in this fuckin mess . So nope and nope
  6. Ro is good starting point but beware of oversimplification http:// https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/25/1/17-1901_article
  7. 3,047 new cases in jersey bringing total positives to 103,036. So curve is still flat. Union county positive rate is now 1 out of every 50. Good news is hospital discharge rate higher than new admittance. Southern counties starting to light up. Head epidemiologist warning folks not to inject/ingest cleaning agents...
  8. Life under the bridge is hard. I get it
  9. Brand new lodge.
  10. American exceptionalism is officially dead
  11. This is grate! Bye bye pandemic!
  12. That could be a trump quote
  13. From NPR Currently, the tests on the market do not need approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and there are dozens of manufacturers making versions that claim to be more than 90% accurate. But the margin of error on false positives in many of the tests is too high for an accurate representation of the number of people who have been infected by the disease. The White House Coronavirus Task Force, which has set an informal standard for the new tests, placed a limit of no more than 10 false positives per hundred. "If you were to use a test that meets that standard, though, in a population where only 1% of the population has been infected, a positive result would actually be wrong a shocking amount of the time — like nine times out of 10," Harris reported
  14. NJ dashboard is acting up but data it is displaying (300+ deaths in last day) indicated north of 3k new positives. Jersey will top 100k statewide by tomorrow so still looking flat. That said, the Rutgers test is being deployed big time now. Real game changer as indiggio pointed out. Accuracy is 100%. Totally scalable. They are racing now to deploy statewide with emphasis getting in southern county nursing homes to avoid the devastation seen northern counties. 10k tests a day right now. They said they will help other states but obviously prioritizing local needs first. All in all, this is great news! Go RU!!!!
  15. Can double up on ski buff too. Not great but better than nothing
  16. Is that for real?! [emoji15]
  17. https://time.com/5825955/las-vegas-mayor-reopening-coronavirus/ Gonna have to change its slogan to “what happens in Vegas spreads to the rest of the Fukin country”
  18. Living under a bridge must be hard
  19. Thx for posting this. Those folks live on a shoe string budget.
  20. Well color me surprised. Trump is actually saying Georgia gov order for state opening is to soon. Atlanta is covid hit hard if you did not know
  21. Top US official in charge of leading covid-19 vaccine efforts is removed because he did not endorse trumps opinion on hydroxychloroquine. I’d post a linkie but you know, me being a boomer and all...
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