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Everything posted by tarponhead

  1. Indeed, been getting very tricky managing the DTI (domestic tranquility index) at this point in the ski season...
  2. Yep. April 4, 11 and 12 weather permitting. If that goes south it's Huntah and killi and then I stick a fork in it. Back to TS:
  3. Anyone got a sense of the timing for this? Thursday night into Friday AM or Friday daylight AM into evening?
  4. This shit is great. Anyone gonna invite TS to the end of season PASR party?
  5. AccuWeather forums throwing around eye candy for the 25th
  6. Yeah mostly 9:30 ish or 10. But #2's rugby season started so on Sundays getting there at or near opening cause I have to leave early. I actually saw you and Jeff this past Sunday AM skating Mach schnell from the 6-pack. I am one of those losers that park up top. More so out of habit than anything else.
  7. But dem legs doe http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fansshare.com/photos/taylorswift/taylor-swift-hot-hot-746054797.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fansshare.com/gallery/photos/195950/Taylor-Swift-Hot-Hot/&h=1157&w=800&tbnid=Bt-dl5l0tB23IM:&zoom=1&docid=pjBPr8kyckRT6M&hl=en&ei=Mm4IVZriGNeAygTM8YLACg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CDwQMygVMBU Fak! How to post pic? (not the link)
  8. I think that is just the GFS.??? CMC is warmer. Not sure on euro. This is all just regurgitation on my part from accuweather forums so I may be wrong. Folks on the board state that the two pieces of energy will be in sampling range Wednesday morning so hopefull we will get a better handle on this at that time
  9. Technically not a thread jack but thank you!
  10. His name is Bob and he is also a good bump skier. Nice guy
  11. Sorry, above pic is damm! But toast's pic (white dress) is DAYAM!!!!!!
  12. I think it should be a rule that if you're gonna jack a thread, it is mandatory to post a hot pic of Taylor Swift
  13. VIP lines (season pass) takes away the weekend lift line pain, or mostly does. Blue's freestyle program is really impressive. Great vibe.
  14. You talkin about blue or the "100 days" thing elk does (they still do that?)
  15. Elk can't be in Vermont. In Vermont they don't care if you ski off piste.
  16. Probably had jersey plates on too. Fly fishing has these ass holes too. Glad you handled nonchalantly.
  17. Why choose? The Wasatch is your harem. Delight in all
  18. So jealous, have a great trip and stay "high north and northeast" http://wasatchweatherweenies.blogspot.com/2015/03/bluebird-through-weekend.html?m=1
  19. Today just got better as the snow continued to fall. Bumps were superb. Trail edges even better. Left a little before 4. Lucky got heads up and avoided Pennsy 78. Still took 2.5 hr to get home
  20. Been there, done that
  21. Got the ok to overnight in pA so did not get to Blue until noon. Great day and by 5 only got better. New runs for me at blue were skiers right of the racers fence off of razors. (Dumps you into razor back) The other was following young bump head Josh through the bike trails from switchback and you ultimately get dumped out on the bottom of sidewinder.. Shout out to Indiggio who skied like it was his job today from opening chair to 6. I skied until 8. Bumps were off the hook
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