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Everything posted by tarponhead

  1. I must make #8 happen this season
  2. That's 2 cases per carboys...
  3. Leaving now to rack 3 carboys of beer. And the ladies like Justo. Bumps were ok, nice surprise
  4. No. Closest to cr chair open was heavens gate. Zero visibility on top by the way
  5. Fun day with son #1. Tracked out pow and push piles were pretty much the conditions. Never been here, place is pretty big. Liked the way they only groomed a few trails. Legs are screaming. Amazingly, they were blowing a lot of snow high up, this after 22". Pic is of organ grinder I think. Pretty much what all the trails looked like. Picked up the quad pack so got a few more trips back. Blue tomorrow :-)
  6. No please...
  7. Day just keeps getting better
  8. Heavy but pow. And the glades were open. Just finished my last run on downdraft and there was still fresh on the sides to surf. Enjoying a beer now and then on the road to B-town to meet son#1 [emoji2] So fuckin happy right now
  9. Power back on ! Loading lifts [emoji2]
  10. Power is out.
  11. Better plan than mine. Family stuff has me tied up until Thursday. Leaving O-dark-thirty Thursday morning to hit killington, then driving up to Burlington after to meet son #1 who finishes his last exam that day. We will hit sugarbush Friday then head home. Glad I put the snow tires on [emoji12]
  12. It won't sux. I have been going to whiteface over the Christmas break for the last 5 years. Not doing this year though cause of other reasons... Anyway, their mountain ops are awesome. I have always found a pod of trails that were in great shape. And the lower valley area is great fun for family/beginners. Occasionally in good snow making years the main summit will be open then. But most likely only little face will be open (still is ~2.5 k vert). The mountain run pod is were the 1980 slalom runs were set up. I could spend all day on that pod and still be smiling. If you have never been to WF at that time of year, don't go to the bottom unless for lunch or leaving. Everyone skis to the bottom...Just roll on the mid mountain lifts and lines will be minimal. 2 years ago the night before we went up they picked up ~15". Set us up for an awesome, albeit cold 3 days
  13. MBike-Mike don't need no stinking bump skis to ski bumps. He get at them with anything on his feet [emoji14]
  14. Was on the snow at noon. Burma was running. Lines were 'ok'. Snow was outstanding
  15. So good today. Saw mbike mike rocking new skis. Skied with indigo and he did not laugh at me to much in the bumps. Conditions were friggin awesome. So good to be back at Blue
  16. Made it up for the opening. Legs cooked and stupid happy. Decent conditions and not crowded. Snow squalls rolling through now. Really looking forward to Blue this Sunday!
  17. You breaking out the skinny sticks your first day out?
  18. My son went last Sunday. At the time, not t2b. Pic of north ridge triple
  19. wrong. try again
  20. With regard to materials; saw this in a Burlington paper the other day. Local engineering student is giving this a go; http://www.renounskicompany.com/skis15/ Be interesting to hear some beta from folks. Or not. Here is the article; http://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/renoun-ski-co-debuts-impact-resistant-skis/Content?oid=2452739
  21. Just ordered these in the 178 size: http://www.momentskis.com/products/tahoe (sorry indiggio, I know they r not real bump skis)
  22. Both these posts made me spit out my beer. thx u
  23. 2 girls rocking full bikinis By 3 PM it was full on pond skimming to load the 6 pac Great great year. Finished in lot surround by shiny happy people (with Tupperware full of Jell-O shots Oh yeah, Bo was riding today
  24. Cool, did not know that. Platty always felt it was farther than what the map says for me
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