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Everything posted by tarponhead

  1. New fav. Better than the new bra tree
  2. Rolling Barney's. challenge thrown imn for grins.
  3. Really good conditions. Fast and groomed nice. Some marbles here and there but good for most part. No bumps on chute or challenge. Nightmare looks icy. Barney's reseeded and they r awesome albeit small. Seeded them tight! Should help in delaying boiler plate. Indiggio come help me ski them in!
  4. 23 F. Dry fast snow. Demo day! Demo for shop employees only. Fuck
  5. First report: 78 westbound a cluster fux from pot hole repair
  6. Meeting cancelled. Heading out
  7. Dude, I got a white labs hoodie for "free". Just had to mail in 100 yeast labels :-) ( no shit) Not much of a jump. Just add grain to a cooler, figure out the strike water temp. Wait an hour and drain. Easy as that.
  8. Palmer book is probably the best nuts and bolts book on brewing out there. Got me into whole grain
  9. last college visit for son #1 is April 5th so yeah baby! Liking the 6th! Root, you ever read "Radical Brewing" by Randy Mosher? A classic
  10. Yep. My bad
  11. Very informative. Concise... No :-) SDS is sodium dodecyl sulfate, dude u referred to did not invent it, just really a very clever use for it. Back in my lab rat days we used SDS in our gels to unfold proteins so we can seperate them. I like using it for skis better
  12. In that awful winter of 11-12' one week after prez weekend we saw a Mother of God storm hitting Jay Peak. My friends and I made the call and drove up Thursday night after work. Skied Burke and JP. Jay got 4 feet in four days... Tram was on windhold so you hiked up from the flyer. Dropping down Valhalla in thigh to hip deep still is my greatest skiing experience ever. I got wood just thinking about that day... Meatheads actually captured that day at jay on one of their recent films.
  13. I got a 9 AM meeting. Hope to be on the road by 10:30. Translates to noonish arrival
  14. You put together good deals. However for me, roll with a family and that is not the case. Heck, the club trips I do out west typically run me ~ 1.5k (week) for just me. NE is far cheaper in my experience especially when I take my boys.
  15. I like huntah, especially mid-week. It's 2.5 hr door-to-door from me. That said, it is an odd, even ugly mountain the way they blasted the trails. But it has good steeps and they bump it up in places
  16. Or u can google... Thinking of heading out Thursday afternoon. U interested?
  17. In the 40s! Yeah, by afternoon bumps should be really good.
  18. It is. You should try it sometime. C&R keeps things real. Otherwise it's all stocked crap. And I do mean crap. But it is fun "messing up your kitchen" once in a while. Hope you feel better.
  19. Actually, u r a mere 320 miles from the Madison
  20. Why do most Russian bands suck? Nice vid and get better. By the way My retirement plan is to pitch a tent during the summers in my friends "backyard" in Ennis :-)
  21. Just checked their website. Spring carnival is Saturday 15th so assuming that will be last day.
  22. I drank the kool aid when I saw the predictions last week. Live n learn. A lotta driving yes but no big deal. Glad I made it to Blue Saturday.
  23. Still got a voucher I gotta use before the seasons end. When does Elk typically close for the season?
  24. This suxed. Left midday at Blue Saturday totally pumped for pow skiing today. Get back from Massachusettes late last night and saw the precip maps $hit all over my plans...
  25. Pass me a slice of humble pie. Not so good by the looks of things on challenge
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