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Everything posted by tarponhead

  1. tarponhead


    That is just so cool. Have a great trip!
  2. Hit up Blue today. Conditions pretty good. Dry chalky carvablw snow. Main st bumps were a bit rough as it was really icy but good day to practice reverse line cause bump snow itself was dry chalky too. Hit lower lodge quick and Glenn grabs me to help ski in the bumps. They blew dry chalky somewhat dense snow all through them last night on top of seeded bumps and man made was pretty deep. We slipped them until we could ski them. No scraping! Should be the best they have been in the last couple years for the comp. Two tiers of kickers, 3 kickers per tier. Also nice cause challenge was closed and we were skiing fresh cord all afternoon on bottom half. Don't think patrol was happy seeing civilian bumpers on closed trail. Will be there opening bell to noon, then gotta head up to Massachusettes for college visit so won't be able to stay and watch comp. Enjoy guys
  3. Soul crushing day at work... Thank u for the video and a brief reprieve!
  4. Camel back?
  5. You may be in the backseat, meaning your not forward and pressuring the boot tongues with your shins. (I never saw u ski and I'm no pro so take it for what it's worth) When standing still in your gear, try leaning forward and pressure the boot tongues for half a minute or so. Should feel easy and very little energy involved. Almost restful. Next, stand tall then lean back a little for the same amount of time. Quads should feel a little burn and notice it takes more "effort" to maintain the backseat position. Plus coupled with all the extra effort to turn skis from the backseat leads to getting tired quicker.
  6. First thunder snow yes, down to gad valley. 2nd series, no. Last day (today) was good to really good. Little swaths of fresh here and there. Leg got better as day went on. Flying back to more snow I hear...
  7. Per GSS reply, the Peruvian Boys interacting with diverse humanoids, that don't sux. They got wifi stuff for their late night anyway.
  8. Holy $hit what a fun day! Started out firm and downright icey from yesterday's spring skiing. Rode lifts to mineral basin to drop to bird side and snow was a little better but not great. Lost 3 layers of skin to HONKIN winds carrying sleet. Literally could stop u. Dropped down to Gad valley and skied tiger tail and a lot of the fun drop offs. The upper traverses were closed due to high avy danger. Could see a lot of instabilities. For whatever reason snow was really good there. Then the graupel started. Some the size of half a penny. But snow mixed in too so everything started gettin good fast. Than more snow to graupel ratio and things got silly fast. Skiing chutes I had no business being in earlier but now was friggin grin city. Last run took a head over tea kettle tumble under last face under tram. Tired. One ski did not eject and got shin bang bad on that leg. Motrin and hot tub and beer to the rescue ( I hope). Last day tomorrow and should be a good one. Bourbon awaits...
  9. Ha ha. You know more about this place than I did when I booked it. Yeah, the deal is pretty cool ( and $$$). When I was at Alta/bird last year a local took me to the Peruvian bar and I lreally oved the vibe. That was the sum total of the research I did on the place :-))
  10. Bird today. With warmer weather have to stay at elevation. Which is ok causw we dont have a car. Looking at 2-4" today but may not come until the afternoon
  11. 45 at base, 34 at suit lifts. Still good snow. Bombed a lot to open ballroom and baldy apron this AM. Fine watching patrollers throw bombs while skiing high rustler( which was excellent). We hiked up ato the aprin from wildcat lift and got untracked pow. Great day. Watching oly woman's super g in Peruvian TV room with 50 other people while sipping bourbon. Life is good. Tomorrow will be interesting if no snow. Boys HS senior and junior GSS
  12. Creamy snow all day long. Untracked could be found on every run but certainly not an untouched canvas. Skied opening bell off Collins then wildcat/ western ho stuff. Then laped high rustler down to stone crusher and the like from the high traverse. Lunch at Puruvian than afternoon on the supreme rolling Catherine's area until it closed (3:30). Then traversed back to Peruvian and hot tub. My boys first day skiing out west and they had a blast. More snows tonight, than warm tomorrow and more snow Sunday. I like. Sorry for crappy trip report but I'm not a picture guy and I don't know how to post pics
  13. :-)
  14. Is Blue done making snow for the year or do they go through prez weekend?
  15. "Stunt ditch" like that... Bad shit can happen anywhere. Remember The Atlanta games? That said, Sochi is a whole heap of wtf
  16. Shame was when I looked at 4AM it was absolutely nuking. Wet stuff now has the accumulation at 1/3 of what it was. Power still on. Hoping Sandy snuffed all the weak links...
  17. Main st bumps were sweet but man there are some big walled mofos in there. Did chute once... Not my finest run ;-) Nightmare bumps were awesome again but they are to short. Wish the would seed them down to dream weaver proper though. Glade next to main st was fun too. Awesome day, awesome weekend.
  18. "German guy in a fartbag and on like 162 cm skis that kept cutting the line. I ended up riding the lift with him, so I figured I'd entertain myself. " I see that guy around a lot. And yes, he is always hustling the line
  19. I have never seen chute ski better. Awesome awesome day
  20. Ironic, I laughed so hard I almost messed my pants...
  21. Good info. But for completeness I think they did that capacity. The old high speed quad is now on the west side. Can anyone tell me what the old metal frame was intended for at the bottom of the main st double?
  22. Scored a mid-week pass for $25 to Elk. Heard things are still a bit on the thin side. Can anyone comment on how the skiing has been? Trying to decide if I should go within the next week or two or wait a while longer for conditions to improve. TIA
  23. They stopped the lifts today around 11 AM because of lightning. I was rolling down main st when Boooom! They knocked down all the bumps and seeded again.
  24. Mt Holly calling for > 1" of ra@n Saturday. Only upside is it may not come until the afternoon so get there early. That's my plan anyway
  25. Prez weekend so was the cheapest I could do
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