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Everything posted by tweaks_rock_me

  1. hush...please, for god's sake.
  2. back to the topic at hand... Whitetail's park wasnt all that great. I remember multiple days when my buddies and I got tired of how shitty everything was from people riding over the kickers and using kickers onto rails as jumps, so we dug everything out and made it nice. Then got yelled at by the park manager for not wearing helmets close to the jumps....never doing him a service agian.
  3. and that would be that i have no way to get the sound from me talking to her on the phone onto the computer..
  4. woops... my bad.. Well, like i said, whitetail is no more than a hill, and it seems the park manager there might be departing soon (hopefully), so i don't even know at this point what the park will be like.. But still. check out Roundtop.. oh, and as for ash, she's cool for sure... I randomly im'ed her one time, and she actually carried out a conversation with me... something i wouldn't of really expected. I'm looking forward to doing it...its just i have that one nagging problem...
  5. yeah, im the interview man.... as for NE Pa...i guess 7springs counts.. The park at whitetail is better than 7springs for sure, but the terrain doesnt even compare...its like a fourth of the size... check out Roundtop and Liberty as well...
  6. why thank you
  7. don't go to hood! go to whistler, or better yet, south america! at hood there really isnt that much to do besides skiing, whereas whistler itself can fulfill your day...besides that whole skiing thing... I went to Dave Murray (one of hte "medium" camps on the glacier) this summer, and last summer, and i can guarantee you'll have an awesome time...
  8. I live in alexandria, va, and ski whitetail every weekend, if you need any info, give me a holler.
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