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    Beater Orange Skis
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    Christine's Hill

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Silver Medalist

Silver Medalist (9/10)


Community Answers

  1. Do they have designated routes up?
  2. You probably felt right at home with the ice, coming from Blue!
  3. indiggio


    Bah! It's a dry cold! 🤣
  4. It's a fun drive on the motorcycle too!
  5. I agree with Paulie, Blue does groom too much. They should groom early to level off the snow and push the scraped stuff back towards the middle, then just blow a little on top and leave it. Yes, the runs are VERY short at BC. By the time you get going, you're already at the flat and lift, but it is a great little family/beginner mountain to get you prepared for the mayhem that's Blue. Also having so many intersecting trails is a PITA too.
  6. @saltyant I laughed more at these knuckleheads' posts... I can't believe they know @RajeevGuptaSucheeta too!
  7. Lots of resounding reviews...
  8. @RootDKJing for Canada forecast to be correct!
  9. Getting there is far more painful than to Blue, as the back roads to get there are far tighter and curvy. It's not a bad diversion for once or twice a season, but the one longer slope was taken over by the race team (where have I experienced that before?) that was disappointing.
  10. I don't believe that the amount of traffic causes the sugar piles that form at Blue, but more of a function of the crap wet snow and one-pass grooming. Bear is even more subject to freeze/thaw cycle and yet there was no signs of cookies, marbles or sugar. My guess is that with the use of fan guns, they make better snow, but nowhere near as much. On the steeper runs at Bear, the middle was scraped off, but the snow on the sides that was scraped off wasn't filled with marbles either. I doubt, but don't know for sure, that Bear has a winch cat and we noticed on Extreme that they just blow whales and leave them, as there were no grooming lines or cat track gouges. We also noticed they don't put down a shit ton of snow either, just enough to cover the trail and a little more. This may be due to the lack of water or desire to limit its use. I didn't see any of the lower ponds, just the big one on the way in.
  11. Gah skier George and I hit up Bear last night since it's now on the Indy pass and why not? Haven't been there in years and needed a change of pace from Blue. Arrived in the lot about 5:15pm with 30' temps that felt a lot colder due to Bear's microclimate. The pond is WAY low, but looks like they're saving some for any impending warmup so they can recover. The place was, as expected, overrun with kids but no really long lines. First ride up the B lift, we couldn't help but notice the plethora of tiny little snow guns they have. Blue should abandon the behemoths and sprinkle the mountain with these little guys. Run down Kodiak and the snow was wonderful, fluffy powder on the edges with some firm packed powder in the middle that could still hold an edge, no boiler like up at Blue. How can this mountain, being so much farther South, put down such beautiful snow while Blue puts down ice skating rinks covered in marbles and cookies? Made our way over to the F lift and up. They have seeded bumps on Grizzly so we sampled them, ugh! Kudos to them for trying, but they need a lesson on spacing as they're so tight it's almost impossible to turn in them even with bump skis. Next up was Extreme where they just blew whales and left them. The middle was scraped off but the sides had some nice, fluffly, soft snow to play in. Final run was down Sasquatch that too had nice, firm, packed powder that would hold an edge with soft on the sides. A nice little diversion from the mayhem at Blue, but with all the kids and crossing runs, you still have to keep your head on a swivel.
  12. Said he collected enough before to buy himself a roto-tiller to replace one that crapped out on him too!
  13. He's always rooting in the overflowing Rodney can when I arrive in the morning. Said his truck failed inspection and needed new exhaust that what he made in aluminum cans paid for. He even helps pick up the wanton garbage people leave lying around in the lot w/out being paid by Blue.
  14. And a gigantic sign overtop the entrance to the parking lots. Welcome to Blue Mountain, keep it clean or else!
  15. Perhaps if Blue would have more than one trash can for the entire valley lot that's perpetually overflowing... It's obvious people are just too fucking lazy to walk their shit to the overflowing garbage can anyway anymore.
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