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    Beater Orange Skis
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    Christine's Hill

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indiggio's Achievements

Silver Medalist

Silver Medalist (9/10)


Community Answers

  1. Right church, wrong pew...
  2. Hear the quad has been down with people stuck this morning for an hour or so. Can't wait for @GrilledSteezeSandwich report...
  3. Break out your best Speedo for tomorrow!!
  4. Well, I think they're closing at 4pm Sunday 3/30, probably to preserve what little snow there'll be left. The warm rain is going to put an even bigger hit on it. So long as they open the first weekend in April (why they're not opening Friday is beyond me), I don't think they give a rat's ass about the rain after that.
  5. This weekend temps are gonna put a serious hit to the snowpack. Might be left with Vista open, but their marketing is just shooting for "only PA slope open in April", I think.
  6. And pond skim is Saturday 3/29.
  7. Oh yeah, the fries were delicious, amongst all the other delicacies @enjoralas cooked up.
  8. +++ VIBES +++ to Rose! Hope she's feeling better.
  9. Stuck around for the season pass party that was very well attended and Blue did a very good job with it. When you registered, you got the typical drink ticket and raffle tickets as well as a new Blue mountain pom-pom ski cap! The party took over the entire upper level of the summit lodge, with the food in the big reception area and a band playing in the lounge. I failed to capture the name of the band, but had an attractive lead singer and played the typical party tune and did a good job at that. The food was all self-serve and consisted of a small salad bar, a pasta bar with pasta and tomato sauce and mac and cheese, a taco bar with all the fixings, a mashed potatoes bar with all sorts of toppings, a prime rib bar with horseradish sauce and a dessert bar with cookie and brownie trays. We didn't stick around for the raffle, as the snow started turning hero just before the party and returned to Razor bumps that we skied in earlier and had now softened. On a tip, we moved over to Coming Soon bumps that also turned hero and became the run of the day. The bumps were nice, big and round since they hadn't been skied much lately, which made for a heap of fun as the sun and blue skies unexpectedly appeared around 2pm, making for a fun spring skiing afternoon.
  10. We hit, well tried, them one night. They were tight, gigantic seeds and unfortunately, because of the brutal cold, icy.
  11. I pity the poor kids going into the valley lodge's men's room during the height of a busy Saturday afternoon to clean up. On the other hand, I admire their wherewithal to do so for a poultry, near minimum wage paycheck and, of course, a season pass.
  12. I heard that one day they had a single person out using one of those extenda-grabber thingies, picking up a can at a time and putting it in the bin. How'd ya like to do that for 8 hours?!?
  13. Zero fucks given anymore, obviously.
  14. The absolute height of laziness and lack of respect for nature is Truly pitiful...
  15. Chatting about it on the lifts, the majority of the crap being thrown is *probably* from the after dark visitors, as we've not actually seen anyone randomly throwing garbage off the lifts except for the few times people trying to hit the under lift bins. Unfortunately, enforcing would be limited to SP actually seeing someone toss something while riding up behind them. Maybe put fake security cameras on the lift towers with blinking LEDs? 😉 Blue definitely takes the "garbage dump" award of the surrounding mountains. None of the others even come close.
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