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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Wondering what beer pairs well with crab beignets?
  2. Once the temperature came up, around 11:30 or so, the sugar piles softened up enough to make them skiable and actually pretty fun. Right ridge of Main Street was pretty nice until where Switchback connects, beyond that it was still bad cookies. Unfortunately it got quite crowded in comparison to the past open days, so we bailed around 1 to pregame in the lot for the passholder party.
  3. Woo hoo! I'm a winner! Don't know how proud it makes us though! Might have to use it in the spring for goggle tan.
  4. Never really got super warm to soften up the sugar piles. Lower Main took some sun, but not for very long as clouds rolled in mid afternoon.
  5. Conditions definitely improved later in the morning/early afternoon. Midway was still a shit-show, with the push piles becoming more widely scattered, with (almost) boiler in between. As the sun moved past noon, the right side of Midway got much better as there were softer bumps to be had. Lower Main turned to hero snow, so you could really rip on the rails and carve some high speed turns, if desired. Also the right side ridge softened up, which provided some nice thigh-burning runs.
  6. indiggio


    Does he become Ultra Man when things get sketchy?
  7. I'm getting a kick out of the front-end loader moving snow around? Guess they don't want to run the cats over all that snow!
  8. Yeah, the natural bumps on Midway in the early afternoon were spectacular. They also provided a lot of headaches for the beginners that had no business being on the slope and thus a lot of entertainment for those spectating.
  9. No, but I've been whistled/yelled at plenty of times. One of the reasons why I won't ski Cameltoe anymore.
  10. Probably. Shows how much I know about Cameltoe...
  11. 110 replies, all by the same 5 people...
  12. And every Cameltoe mountain ambassador out there yelling at you to "SLOW DOWN"!
  13. Maybe the earthquake was Cameltoe's big announcement?
  14. Damn inversion. Nothing blowing up top. Trying to catch up to Cameltoe in tubing.
  15. Saw a boarder take the legs out from under a ski patroller on lower Midway last Sunday. Both appeared to be ok afterwards.
  16. The son and I went once at Blue, mainly because it was free with the season pass and we wanted to see what it was like. Fun for the first run or two, then boredom set in. Haven't gone since. I'll stick to skiing.
  17. I'm just sad in general, due to the lack of cold air. Mother Nature is such a tease!
  18. Guns are silent on all fronts this morning.
  19. Guns still going on lower MS and it also looks like they're also on upper as well, but that's hard to tell. Still blowing on one of the tubing hills too. Temps iffy, but possibly some snowmaking Wed & Fri.
  20. Skied till 1:30ish, parking lot till 4ish, drinking beers with Tarpon and Justo.
  21. Came out after a short break, about 9:30, to find Midway totally bumped up from edge to edge, causing havoc for all the beginners and boarders. Bumps on 3rd day of season in November, doesn't get much better than that!
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