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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Yesterday at Blue was just magnificent. Got into parking lot around 7:25 to a brisk 14 degrees and started booting up, with a flake or two beginning to fly. Snow started a steady fly around 8:30-9:00, which everyone expected to start around 10. Snow everywhere was glorious man-made powder, perfectly groomed, save Switchback which still had it's share of marbles here and there. Snow was coming down quite heavy by 10, showing no signs of letting up. Looking up the north side of Mountain Drive, people were coming down at a crawl, which explains the closure. Driving must have been pretty hairy. With all the snow, there was nary a bad run to be had. All the bumps where filling in with fresh powder, making them very attractive. They blew snow in Sleepy Hollow glade, but not many were venturing in. Snow was hard wells, but carveable. By 4, the snow had pretty much stopped and blue skies were breaking with a little bit of remaining sun shining through, making for a fitting end to a spectacular day.
  2. Dunkin Donuts coffee does it to me, great laxative that stuff is!
  3. Must be something in the air up there...
  4. Should you fill in little gouges? Will that melt-in stuff allow the wax to soak in like the real ptex base does? I've heard conflicting reports.
  5. Maybe he's better off??? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2544143/Russias-Olympic-toilet-two-bicle-Picture-unusual-lavatories-Sochi-village-cause-stink-Twitter.html
  6. Looks like the 6-pack is running now, per webcams!
  7. Hilarious! It's probably happened to all of us at one time or another. Just the other day, I was standing in the doubles and a slight tremor hit. I debated whether to pull a 180 and head to the valley, but I was too close to the gate for that, so I rode the lift, hoping... Luckily I made it to the summit and hauled it to the lodge, where I then debated holding another 40 min. ride home and probably facing a level 5 or worse or the summit lodge shitters. I chose the shitters... With the snow storm, I'm sure deliveries are delayed. I've got a UPS delivery that has been. They better get their shit together for this weekend, this snow and a bit warmer temps are gonna bring out everyone!
  8. Guess my ski patrol source wasn't all that reliable...
  9. I had heard, when they put in the original Challenge double, that they sized the footings/supports for a future 6-pack. If so, they wouldn't have had to shell out the total expense when they finally converted.
  10. Have to agree, with all that he's done/accomplished, he's got a far better chance at a medal.
  11. Probably don't do shit to maintain the equipment and then just scramble when shit breaks... Looks like the snow line is along the blue ridge, webcams look like there's hardly anything falling up there at all. Monday when 6-pack was down, went over to quad and there was a mech hauling a blower or heater with big duct on it over to the 6-pack.
  12. Blue's webcams look like they're not getting a whole lot of snow, but it could be an illusion. Also, 6-pack isn't running either.
  13. Indeed. I'm sure they'll get some good feedback from this.
  14. Back from a morning session, where snow conditions were downright spectacular. I believe they blew snow on every trail (not sure about Burma or those though...) and the grooming was excellent. Razors was perfect cord along with Challenge. Nightmare & Dreamweaver were on par as well. Paradise was nice and soft and Sidewinder was groomed and fast. Main Street was wonderful, with reseeded Barney's. Unfortunately they were scraped off later down to boiler. About 9:00am, riding 6-pack just to the crest of Challenge and eerrrrkkkk! It came to a FAST stop, luckily fellow riders hadn't put the bar up yet!! We sat for about 15-20 mins., hearing horn going off a few times, but no movement. A few more minutes later, finally some movement, but at a snail's pace. After they got everyone off, they shut it down, which cut the day short, since lines at the quad and doubles were out of control, as the crowds started showing up big time around 10. Hopefully they'll get some nice new snow out of this predicted storm, but otherwise snow conditions couldn't have been much better today.
  15. Yesterday was an interesting day at Blue: Starts out with a nice coating of powder, which brings my unwaxed skis to a grinding halt. After a couple hours, "Powder" gets skied off and down to hard-pack, boilerplate and skis run as usual. After a couple more hours, base is warming up and have to pole to get to 6-pack. With this temperature range, what would you all recommend for a base wax? Do you use a rub-on glider? (Oh boy, can't wait for the responses to this one...) Thx
  16. They should be good for Sunday then, boilerplate was coming up through Friday in spots.
  17. It's a great feeling when see your kid(s) do well on the slopes. (voice of experience). It'll be a sad feeling when they surpass you (haven't experienced that...yet).
  18. Unfortunately I am old enough to know the song, the start of my Punk Rock youth... Wait until you get older, then you really start thinking about mortality and how much time you have left. Different things become much more important, like stickers on Cadillacs....
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