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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Here you go... http://www.rutlandherald.com/article/20130227/NEWS03/702279814
  2. Right! Blue may end up being a victim of their own success, if it's so crowded it drives people away... I'll surely be doing more after work skiing, if the weekends get beyond out of control.
  3. Signs on windows in Blue's lobby say Opening 2015. I would think the article, being the latest interview, would be most accurate.
  4. I haven't done calculus since college...
  5. Why I like to sit on either end, got the chair to grab a hold of! Usually if lift comes to a stop and the bar isn't down, one arm goes behind seat just in case..
  6. I get bonked so often, it was probably me...
  7. Helmets are preferential. If you don't want to spend $50 to potentially save your life, that's your prerogative. Not putting down the bar affects possibly 2-5 other people... Many don't realize that they can feel fine after banging their head and go about their business, only to have brain swelling set it and a day or two later they're dead...
  8. Yet another reason to wear a helmet!! Good for a clunk in the helmet at least 1 time a session...
  9. Always enjoyed staying at the Iron Horse...
  10. I want to retire there!
  11. Ditto!
  12. Skiing in the rain, need a fix bad...
  13. Would have to have A LOT to drink before taking on that! Think Barb, et. al. would allow it?
  14. Would be a great costume for the pond skim...
  15. Resorts probably wouldn't want to offer such an insurance as it would promote out of bounds skiing. Kind of like those that say you shouldn't hang a "Beware of Dog" sign as it shows you know your dog may harm someone.
  16. I agree. Go alone and give them the business after you have a great time!
  17. Blue's version.
  18. Thinking about picking up one of these, does anyone know if they work and how well? http://thermajock.com/
  19. Make lift ticket prices dependent upon state of slider's (or guardian's thereof) driver's license...
  20. I think it depends on the existing terrain. If it warrants a park, then so be it. But if they're gonna waste some good steep just to make a park, then no. Regardless, the more terrain the better!
  21. Not only that, but just people who flat-out don't belong going down the slope. At least the smart ones take off their skis and walk back up or pop em and butt-slide down. But then there are the many that just outta control bomb it with little way of stopping but biting it or worse, running into someone. Good they put bumps on it!
  22. Let's hope so. Perhaps cut it right so there are a number of good trails off of it, not just waste a ton of land on another cutback beginner's slope like Paradise. I would think they'd build the hotel out where they're putting the water park for easy access to the road.
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