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Everything posted by bermbuster49

  1. hahah oh man this is great. like honestly, when did BB become the king of all parks/mountains? Didnt they hier those people from mtn. creek (i forget the name, jib tech maybe?) and then fire them after they made all the rails. at least thats what i heard...but boulder is not even that big, and if bear had thier weather you can bet your ass they would be doing the exact same things as boulder. thats a BS claim that boulder CARES more about their rider, If you think that then your blind. Bear has had the biggest rider imput on new rails that i have ever seen. Andy takes suggestions from everyone and does an AMAZING job at managing the park. Not only do i think bear has the best park, its got the most inovative park as well. (i dont want to start a park war in this thread, but honestly, a cliff drop? 2 huge new stairsets, you can not say that the cliff wasnt original). But yeah, bear deffinatly doesnt want to please thier riders, i mean look at how they just gave away like thier entire tubing slope for park riders.. i just think your missing a lot of things, and you need to relize that bear doesnt have the weather that BB does, and that they are doing a TON to make bear and "EXPERIENCE". As for your friends, they should have checked the website, i was up at 3 yesterday watching them blow an amazing amount of snow and saw it on their front page. so anyway. lets all have an awesome season!!! hopefully we will be there this next week!!!
  2. yeah freeboards are sweet once you learn how to use it, but its not motorcross, mx is jumps and stuff with a full blown permament track, this would be an all trail event, but i understand what your saying.
  3. Okay, well if you couldnt tell by my user name, i race dirt bikes. Now last year i remember looking at the webcam when they turned the lights on and i was like wow that would be so sick to have a race there at night. but now that i think about it, it would be sick to have a race there period. now just so you know, this would be a once a year thing, if you go local you could expect 700+ riders, if you go national you could expect a thousand+ or so? and the hotel would be compeletly booked, guarrenteed, plus money from the event coordinators for allowing them to use your land for that day. it draws a huge crowd of spectators, so the resorts food services would be utilized very much. but anyway, the only downfall is that the ground will get torn up where the trail is. this is just a rough idea to see if anyone thinks it would be possible, however it has been done. i've been to a national at the "wisp" in maryland. the hotel there was packed, and it was an awsome race, the pro's came with thier semi's and we parked our motorhome in the parking lot of the resort instead of a field haha, it was really cool to see though, people were playing paintball there and they even ran the chairlift so spectators could go to the top of the mountain to watch!! just recently the GNCC (grand national cross country) circit added yet another ski resort to its schedule. the race was held at snowshoe ski resort in west virginia. here is a picture just to show a tiny bit of thier layout: anyway, it could be a really cool event, that would generate a lot of interest, maybe next year we(bear creek) could look into it.
  4. Jea!!! boyer knows how we do! hahah, i saw you the other day i think, its so different without you working
  5. yeah i was always curious who owns what around bear, and why we cant expand, anyone wanna shed some light on the subject? as for the music, it would just make problems, just keep it how it is, because 20% of the time it would be good and cool, but then 80% someone wouldnt like it, or this songs gay, its too loud, its too anoyying, etc. park wise: iron works knows what they are doing, we'll worry about the rails for next year during the summer, i always like to look at pictures of other peoples mountains for inspiration. but a tow rope would be sick, but i really like the idea of expansion, another park maybe??
  6. dont they already have some mt biking stuff? but yeah the snowflex thing would be awsome, and theres no reason why they couldnt do both, the mt. biking thing doesnt cost anything except hours, or lumber if they want to make it ballin hahah
  7. i talked to him last week on AIM and asked the same thing, tentativly he said as soon as he gets a nice solid base to work with you can expect to see some smaller jumps on cascade, where the big ones will be once we get up and running, soooo yeah, they'll be there eventually, be patient, and give andy and the park crew some props if you see them for being out there so late and working so hard.
  8. haha are you seriously asking that? opening day of coarse, and yes you can expect it to rape to the 3rd degree. just let me refresh your memory, our first opening day i believe we had like what, 14 features? i dont think blue even has that many out yet, (which i hope changes, i have to go there thursday for a ski club trip) which i'm sure they will get out eventually. ps. dont flame for hating on blue, i like blue, i just needed an example.
  9. yepp thursday or friday is what i gathered from my anymonous sources
  10. yeah i'd be there, same with all my friends, i wonder if all the hotel rooms would be booked...
  11. haters...haha just kidding, it all kinda comes from baggy clothes making things look smoother, so one day someone busted out a jersey and kids have been doing it every since. i rock one under my coat on spring days, but just because they dress like that doesnt mean they think thier hood. and speaking of people we want to punch, i would have to say kids that wear tight ass emo shit to the mountain.
  12. hahaha alright, well, bc iron works obviosly had the knowledge to make 30 rails this season but they didnt. that says they didnt want to. i mean seriously kid who else is boasting a cliff in the terrain park? it rapes, bear is a little piece of heaven, and i'm sure blue will get better as the years go on too. but bear started the big mid-atlantic terrain park push (for PA at least, MC was deff. there before), once bc started making insane rails everyone else just kinda caught on, and now its some big competition. how about we dont argue what moutain is better and just take them for what they are, blue is a big mountain that has a long terrian park with a lot of potential for upcoming years, bear is a smaller mountain, loaded with unique features, and a true park atmosphere, you can add on to the list for any mountain, the fact is they are all different and not one is better or worse depending on what you like to do.
  13. i had a nice 12 hour day, 8am to 8pm. maaaad tired, the rails were awsome, i didnt think the lips were too big i just think the gaps were too big on the expert park side. like idk they just seemed like you needed way to much speed to get on and the rail took like 3 seconds, but i can understand if they didnt want the lip to end up under the rail so they just moved them further apart so you had more time to get above it. either way the park crew did an awsome job, everything else was awsome, especially in the morning. ...plus! first 270!! jeaa!!!
  14. ^i'm leaving in about 30, but i only live 15 minutes away...man i'm stoked tho, sooooo glad i skipped school-er..i mean caught the flu . i'm wearing brown stuff, on my old orange AR5 skis, should be with the normal crew, they all kill it, give me a yell.
  15. wordddd, looks like an awsome opening, i'm so glad i skipped for this. dumb kids in school had no faith, what gaypers. . but i'll see you guys at 9 tomorrow!!! oh yeah, i'm rocking old skis PLUS old gear, cas i'm tryin to not get the paint on my new shit (if i happen to fall lol), plus its not going to be that cold...
  16. really? cas i looked on accuweather and the 19th or whatever it dropped to lows in the teens, but thats 6 days into the future, idk, i'll look again and then edit. edit- whoops, yeah just looked again and the 23rd through the 25th, we can blow, other than that, nada....piss....
  17. i'm still going,its better than school haha. as long as there is 2 or 3 rails i'll be happy. i see the smaller stair set is pretty much hit-able so i'm stoked on that, but we'll see what the park crew can throw out for us. as long as they still open
  18. I look at the web cam and i see people skiing and snowboarding!! hahah, i'm pretty sure it was employee training or something, but either way i'm jealous
  19. yeah but notice i said some KIDS, i know we have some acuall employees on here. yeah but notice i said some KIDS, i know we have some acuall employees on here, and i guess you guys are into the whole make your own air/water methods? go figure, i always found that a waste, but thats another topic.
  20. ^word, andy finshed that the other day. but i skipped a few pages just to put some thoughts down. first off, some kids need to take a chill pill, honestly they talk like they are the expert snow blowers and question bear creek for not starting early enough during the day, it was because of the water temp and air temp and humidity, chirst dont have a heart attack. trust me bear knows what they are doing and are doing thier best every day, you make it sound like they dont like you and are punishing you by not blowing snow early enough. anyway, horay bear! i'm so stoked, i cant wait to see the big push, should be a great year, i'm trying to go for 60+ days again, hopefully i can hit at least 80 since i can drive this year. see you all on the mountain!
  21. they will probably have them by this next weekend, or for the slopestyle if they really want to push, but seriously do you expect them to put together a 60 foot rollercoaster box overnight? haha, plus the sliding board rail, its just not going to happen, but i trust the park crew will have them out there very soon.
  22. hahaha yeah the ditches to stop the little snowboarders from rolling over the jumps, good idea by andy and the rest of the park crew. i hit some little snowboarder kid on the top of a lip to a jump cas i was going switch and then the kid desides to stop at the top, by then it was too late for me to stop and then WHAMM...but yeah, its all good.
  23. there are some bare spots, but the features are perfect, its like the rain went around them. i wouldnt worry, i doubt they would close, and as for the kid that asked why they didnt blow snow before, they did, its just they were nice and considerate and didnt blow it directly in your face while your trying to ride, which i thought was awsome. not too many other mountains care about how many people are there and will blow regardless. Bc is doing great for the start of the season, it can only improve from here guys.
  24. do you think/know if customer service for bear will be open before the mountain opens? i'm thinking of going around 8:15 to pickup my pass, since i was too lazy to get it before haha, and then ski the freshies when we open at 8:30 with my crew, until 10 at night. , any info is appretiated, see you all there!
  25. i'll be there from 8:15 till 10 at night. then opening to 8 sunday, after school on monday tuesday and wedsday, taking off thursday (my buddy has work) and i'll be there every day till tuesday...(basically, i'm there every day sept tuesdays and thursdays.)
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