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Everything posted by bermbuster49

  1. hahahahah spring mountain hahahaha, oh man, yeah i go to quakertown, but i ride bear creek for obvious reasons.
  2. yeah that bam show was so gay, they cut out all the funny parts now and its all scripted. it used to be a good show...oh well.
  3. i dont have off, but i'll be there friday saturday sunday monday...as long as we are open. i know the kids at my school are just planning to go friday and on, idk where they heard it was going to be open but i'll plan for that too.
  4. ^yeah man, haha maybe cas it was soooo fucking cold when we opened last year, there were like highs of 17 degree's it was crazy.....too bad we hit 70 on january first
  5. ^deff. a good way to look at it, i dont think bear is in the same class as mountain creek for the mountains sake, but park is a different story. bears park is crazy and is just getting better and better every second. theres so many hard working people that keep it in perfect condition and move stuff around, i am there like 5 days a week and it doesnt suprise me that on the 3rd day some rails and boxes moved all the way across the terrain parks to the other side, it just keeps everything interesting. the jumps are huge, and this year they are being planned out before we even have snow on the ground. bear is always one of the first to open and has a huuuge base that lasts well into the spring. mountain creek is deff nice, and is a great mountain. but you cant count bear out for nicest park. please do yourself a favor and just check out the park this year, i think you will be suprised.
  6. ^hahahaha, and yeah, last year january first it was 70 degrees...we cant really go by what happend last year. lets hope late nov. early dec.
  7. hey rob i cant make it up tomorrow, or today, or whatever day it is! gay daylight savings time , cas my friend is coming over and he wants to play ssx on tour. buy it for nipples if he doesnt have it already! hahah, it was nice meeting you today! they found a good home! thanks a bunch --jarod #49
  8. ^alright man, thanks for the info haha, yeah we nevever skiied that line when there wasnt enough snow, but now i'll make sure theres enough to cruze over it, if i even do it as much. but i will deff. check out that line you said, maan i hope it dumps!!! i might see you at the fall festival, later manggg
  9. yea man deff. not crowded, especially night time, around closing there are neeever any lines. but yeah theres so many chill/good people there its sick, and our park kills all. but i agree when it snows at bear, it snows! the trip gets deep somedays just from them blowing snow! i remember one day it was really soft grainy ice powder, that was like 6 inches deep and your skis would like sink in it, but yeah the trip is fun if you want to get away from the park, theres some sweet woods lines we found this last winter, one that you get to ollie a downed tree and then drop out of the woods like 10 feet. but yeaaah... i'll be at the festival. BC-Crew whaaa? hahah
  10. just so you guys know, i'm pretty sure you can order them online as a group, at least thats how me and some friends did it last year.
  11. ^cool, but that sertainly wont win the advanced class, last year ben was pulling tail 900's
  12. i have a dirtbike race at the wisp, its a good run, they turn on the lifts and let people ride them up the mountain for like spectating.
  13. haha oh yeah that was a good thread. we are really pushing for the park because our verticle sucks so we know we cant out-do people on regular skiing runs. be ready for the park next year, we have a lot of skiers making plans for the park.
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