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Everything posted by Finndog
Hey was just wondering if Doug had a good trip? So much powder and incredible conditions.
Ahh, so good conditions...... I will be there.
possibly Sunday Am, it would be great to ski for a 3rd weekend in a row. Skied last weekend in Upstate NY,Bristol and Greek Peak, 4-5" of soft stuff, very nice. How is ol' blue looking?
oh, I get it, so if I sound illiterate, then I'm cool? If I am educated I'm pompous? You must be so cool! home work assignment: define the string of logic in the above statement; you are going to have to look this up. I put the key words in bold. This is how you build arguments and thesis statements. PS, you guys are such suckers, Doug's fine, but he needs to drink better beer! Really
Actually its "spell them correctly" What did I spell incorrectly in that sentence? Please note, its not all Poconos, just blue for the most part. I really enjoyed myself at BB on Sunday and I think Elk is fantastic. now that's classic, please list the days that blue had 8" of pow? that's too funny. I have a great attitude. Unlike some who are happy to muddle in mediocracy, I have never settled when I don't need to, but that's just me, I never settle for less. The budweiser avatar is perfect. A mediocre, drab, boring, poorly crafted, mass produced swill.
I went up with Phil, had a great time, I was really impressed with the conditions givin that it was November 25th! It was Blue in January!
why bother to go to J-hole then? Just stay here and ski on icy crap, let someone else who can ski go in your place
OK I am really hoping that we actually have a decent winter here and blue is graced with soft, skiable snow and I have to eat all my vitriole.......
yeah, Steamboat is supposed to get a little as well. It's pretty dry up there so far. My friend up there says not to panic yet, they typically start to get real snow towards the end of November. Since the holiday is early this year, they are sweating it a little since most of the snow should start around that time or a little later. We are there 15-27th so I am pretty confident we'll be there for a couple of dumps......
Sounds good, that's a good plan. Lets pray for massive dumpages!
If you are going to be there 13-20, please let me know. I would be happy to introduce you to good beer and rip around the mountain with you. It would be fun! Hey what are you skiing on out there? I am planning on bringing out my IM78's and Fischer Watea94's. Pray for Pow..
I dont' ski on greens......
Please leave some pow for me!
I'll be there Jan 13-20... you there then?
abasin, L-land or breck? have a great time. the conditions there are better now than blue on its best day so get som equality turns in on some real runs and vert. He why not come out to the Boat december 15-20th? we have about 6-8 guys going.
I had to laugh guys, Deadly steep? A Pocono, east coast blue is deadly steep???????????????? You better not ski out west, You know Razors Edge is at best a steep blue, Right? Please tell me you are joking? Hey less than 1 month to go. December 1&2, Skiing Holiday vallley to warm up the legs.....
Makes sense, tough to justify driving all that way when its in your backyard.
Now that was excellent! Thanks I am honored! Did you see Phils songs over at Epic, you guys should team up. BTW, I love sking too much to ski on crappy conditions.
A-Sorry about all the free time.... B- I just never learned to count, you're up on me. You guys just keep missing the issue, blue could be a great place, it has so much to offer but is run by folks who either don't care or don't know or both. If I lived that close or skied there as much as you, I would be pushing to get them to improve, don't settle for crappy service and management. I didn't get a season pass this season and told them why. I seriously doubt they care though. I live less than an hour but unless I know they have good conditions, I will not give them my money. I would rather drive the 2hours and ski at Elk or JF.
Jf? It's not as much vert but it's better overall?
"that's how I see it" Must suck to be a blind man then! Go west young man, or at least to Elk!
I am honored and somewhat disturbed that you: A- had the time to read through my posts B- Were able to count them ( i am only assuming accurately) If I am critical it's only because it's so frustrating that Blue is so crappy but could be so much better.... The first step to healing is to admit you have a problem, only then they can improve. Come on', you know they can't blow snow and groom there to save thier life!
said it from the start the 6 pack was bad idea. they should have put in a quad and then dumped the 2x chair for another quad on the lodge side. dumb move. Too much uphill capacity to start and way under capacity on the lodge side. I'm sure this was a result of some kind of cheapo deal he got. They do everything 1/2 ass up there.