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Everything posted by Finndog
New to the board and I just saw this thread. GReat Idea with the premium pass but ownership here is targeting added revenue. Nothing offered is really "free" it's all about getting you to spend more $. Premium food= $, lockers=$, parking=$ get it. I'll pay extra for early skiing, special lift access, some extra for premium parking and lockers and you can keep your crappy food! I like my bag lunch I eat on the rides up. There's no stopping for lunch in skiing on the east coast!
How much more do you really think it costs to have someone from out west come in and design a park rather than a pro here in the east? I think you're missing out on the marketing edge here. Blue can then advertise their park was done by a pro "out west" and name all the parks he worked on. Then all the park rats and hackers will want to come and see the park- get it? The money is in the pipe and the park, you don't need vert to have either, so that's why BC, Mountain Creek and other vertically challenged slopes have put so much $ into those two. You can attract all the hackers with minimum skill levels to the mountain and tap into a bucket load O'Money! No offense to you on this board who actually have some skills. If I were in my teens or early 20's I'd be out there too. I actually feel bad that with the improved park, you are getting an added bonus of hakers who will F'up the snow and clog your runs.
Hey don't be glomin' on my run bud! Yes, It's the best on the mountian in my book. No one goes on it and I really like the contour of the run. you can really get up som egood speed. I really like the area where it opens up about 100yds below the old link to Main street. You can get great bank turn there.
Dohh, how about switch-back. My bad. I am certainly not a newbie but I still hate the cookies! There really shouldn't be any on the mountain under normal operating conditions.
Right, so you agree Razors edge gets the most attention and has the best conditions. They have the most modern guns that blow better snow. The rest of the mountain has a ways to go. When I ski out west or at real resorts, the groomers work all night to make sure everything is ready roll at first chair. I point out Paradise and Burma because as newbie trails, they should always be well maintained. I didn't even begin to comment on the death cookies on lower side-winder! It's just crappy grooming; plain and simple. I am new here but It sounds like Atomicman is on the Blue payroll! Blue blows a lot (notice the spelling) of snow but a lot of it sucks!
Hmm, when it's below 32 degrees the snow doesn't melt especially when there is no sun light on it so I don't know where the mythical snow melt is coming from. It doesn't fix the poor grooming problem that many people comment on. They keep Razors in the best shape because of the race teams. That's the only run they really pay any attention to. Look at Burma road, its a death trap for beginners and it is usally a train wreck. How many times is Paradise closed in the AM because it's not ready? Why isn't there a snow fence on Home Stretch? the wind blows right across the base of the mountain and forms slabs there all the time. It's not the weather.....
No offense if any of you work there but the quality of the blown snow is very course. Many other places blow a finer less crystal-like snow. Also, the grooming there just plain sucks! Even first thing in the AM you will rarely find courderoy and there are way too many death cookies. It's just plain bad. Maybe it's bad equipment but it really is poor.
Now if they can only learn how to make snow and groom! They really have a lot to learn about those two things. Its such a shame, Blue has such potential. It's just so poorly run and managed.
While too much uphill capacity is no good, Blue has a serious deficit. On those crowded January and Feb days, there can be no one on the hill and everyone in a 1/2 hour lift line. You need to have a good flow. I guess the Challenge lift would help but they should really reconfigure the bottom access area to when you come down Home Stretch, you can get over to the lift easier. I think it will cause a bottle neck for some folks who can't turn sharp enough and maintain speed to get to the lift. I like the idea of a 6 pack over at Burma and main street. Personally, I think that Burma is the worst green trail ever concieved, hair pin turns and narrow trails are disasterous for beiginners.
Yeah. it woudln't be my choice but oh well. I would love to see Main street get a make over and another quad over by Comet Quad. They could use more uphill capacity.
I actually heard back again from Blue, they are planning to replace the Challenge lift not this season, but the one after (06-07). I asked about the Mainstreet lift but haven't heard as of yet.
OK, just recived an e-mail from Blue, they are working on a new trail but it won't be open. I asked if they are getting rid of that painful double by Mainstreet and if they were looking into any new lifts. I know the answer already
Exactly, you're sitting there with your crap and there's 3 kids running around and knockin' your stuff off the bench or sitting on your gear. Then you gotta watch that something doesn't walk out of your bag. At least the lower lodge doesn't allow smoking like the upper lodge. Nothing worse than smelling cigs at 7:30 AM
That's exactly what I would love to have. They have something like that at a lot of places, I know Windham has a really nice setup for pass holders.
I hear ya' It's an hour drive for me and it frustrates me that blue could be so much more than it is. I don't really fully dress until I get there as I hate to get to warm in the car and I don't want to sweat. I change my socks and such when I get there so doing that in the parking lot isn't much of an option. My bet is that this has been discussed to death but I didn't search. Too bad they didn't sell!
have no problem getting close to the lower lodge, never an issue. The issue is decent changing/prep areas which are not so crowded and chaotic. This obviously is not an issue to you. FYI-I have been a pass holder there now for several years. I was hoping to not be one of the "we's".
OK, this is an issue that just burns my ass. As passholders, why can't we get decent private lockers in a decent area away from all the kids and crap? I would gladly pay for this. Just a room with door on it to provide a little space away from screaming brats who can't get their boots on. Anyone else feel this way?
Thanks for the feedback, I searched and didn't find much. We'll see!
Anyone heard if the clearing for the new runover by Paradise will be opened? I had heard that there might be two new runs.