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About SickToothpick

  • Birthday 11/23/1988

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Rome Anthem 154 Capita Jason Brown 151 Technine Montoya pro's
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Holiday Valley NY

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  • Location
    Western NY

SickToothpick's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. well I haven't been able to login for a while for some strange reason... But anyway, when was there a 20% discount? I didn't sign up this year, decided to go to Greece and Italy instead. I'll be going next year though.
  2. New site is up with all the pictures and stuff, I found ONE of me, on the first day and it's like the worst picture ever, saw myself twice in the video though Tis makes me look terrible! haha
  3. Holiday Valley got a Zuagg last year and it improved the pipe so much, last year was the first that I actually wanted to ride it.
  4. haha I've been spending like 80 bucks a week on absolutely nothing for the last 6 weeks, then I had to pay for my season pass today... Time to start saving I guess.
  5. I'm supposed to get a foot of snow tonight here in Western NY
  6. I'm pretty much 99% sure I will be at session B and maybe like 5 days of C
  7. haha good idea, I think I'm going B again
  8. Yep, they were setting them up all over Blackcomb.
  9. <3 Whistler
  10. ski, it definitally is the hardest trail there, minus Extreme which is Avalance with trees
  11. Well I live about 15 minutes away from Denton and lemme tell you, I've been down Avalanche and it's horrible, all ice from people snowplowing down it, you can stand at the top and look down and it looks like its hyst a big drop, it's steep, I've ridden Outer limits at Killington too and it's so much steeper than that if any one has ever ridden it just to compare the two... Maybe I can get a picture of it this year and post it.
  12. I know Corys sister, I don't think im going to go to whistler this year... Next year I think I will go for all 36 days though, If i can save that much money somehow, that would be amazing.
  13. Rome Anthem 154
  14. only about 160 miles away!
  15. ahhh this is annoying, I have football practice monday-saturday from 1-7 and I work like 10-7 on sunday so thats all my income, I don't know if I will get the discount, if it was at X-mas again I would have it.
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