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About starfire14

  • Birthday 10/19/1990

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    salomon 1080's
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    seasons to Camelback and Bear Creek

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Stroudsburg PA
  • Interests
    skiing, unicycling, painting/drawing, light mountain biking, dirt jumping and down hilling

starfire14's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Has anyone been able to find when night skiing begins and also when/if both train parks will be open?
  2. I drive an hour to get to bc (when I have time) as it is just for the park, even though cb is just ten min away. I would absolutely make the journey over for a park when everything else is closed. Crowded or not.
  3. If its anything like CB has been in the past there will definitely be many warning signs that it leads to cliffy, although that might not stop them anyway... A new owner is definitely what CB needed! it's good he wants it to be a place to play just like us
  4. Yeah, there pretty hard core. One time I watched some kids board get stolen when the kid noticed the person who took his board he got security. They went up to the guy who stole it and I thought they were going to kill him. They looked like a Squat Team... It was amazing Are we sure it?s permanent? Maybe they are planning to move it...
  5. I recommend a MuVo or other Mp3 player vs. a hard drive player (like an ipod) for skiing. Mp3's are more durable, but MuVo also makes nice hard drive players cheaper than ipods and some of the modals can play TV shows and stuff too for the same price. I usually listen to Offspring, Rise Against, Bigwig, techno, or very few rap songs. Stuff from Ski videos too, cause it gets me pumped up.
  6. As fast as my skis can take me...under 3min? maybe 4 because i messed them up last season
  7. Bear Creek is the best for PA, but i have to agree with lurker, Mt. Bachelor, Oregon is amazing
  8. having a smooth step up jump would really cool
  9. How long untill we can break out the snow guns?
  10. lets see, one time me and my brother were skiing in the pipe. you know some times there are little kids bombing the pipe so they just put up the lolly pop sings at the very top entrance? well that was all that was there, so we went on in. A ranger then sprang from the shadows and took my brothers pass. it was ridicules! he said the pipe way obviously closed. one other time me and some friends were skiing and there was nobody around, so my one friend pulled a fast 180. he was in perfect control and was just pulling out of it when a ranger popped out of the shadows and took his pass. he said that he was endangering ppl and "what if a little kid had swerved into his way" which was completely crazy because if there had been ANYONE he wouldn't have done the 180. i don't hate rangers, my health teacher is one and he is the cool
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