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Everything posted by RickJames

  1. i'll allow it. he is right, a little more lighting is needed.
  2. If you can't carry enough speed to hit a line of rails in cascade, maybe you shouldn't be there.
  3. Here's what I'm going to put in Bear's suggestion box : Blow snow into February so DildoRider2690 will have the park set to his personal standards. Be happy you're on your board. Also, how does the park not have "flow"? How much more flow do you want? So you have to miss a baby jump in cascade if you want to hit the sick Arbor rail. Hit the bigger one on lower cascade. Stop being a prissy bitch.
  4. Who are these kids? Obviously you "riders" have no idea what you're talking about. Look at the date... Bear has been open for a week and you douchers have the guts to say this? Maybe you should take a few runs in baby park before you go into the "big boy park" and complain about the 3 inch hop on. "I guess we will just have to wait until they actually make something worth riding." Stay on the other side of the mountain, no one wants you incompetent beings infesting the population.
  5. I hope this guy isn't serious. Although I agree with 8-10, he is still a douche. I hope his students file an act of harassment against him.
  6. Friday!!!
  7. Anyone can board with pants and jackets.
  8. I don't see why you would.
  9. Can't wait for that first prize.
  10. I thought something looked off in the heavens.
  11. Blue's park sucks.
  12. Seriously. When I buy a lift ticket it should be enough. Why pay twice?
  13. Do tell.
  14. I respect everything newschoolers has to offer. Why not show a little lovin' towards boarding?
  15. For sure. Thursday night on looks real legit.
  16. He's hilarious.
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