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Everything posted by NMSKI

  1. Not this year mothafucka!! woot!
  2. I'm feeling GREAT about it because I won't have to do shit! I'll be able to sit in my house with my immediate family which is what I've wanted to do for years but not been able to!
  3. Nice. She's talented!
  4. You should be fine! I honestly don't know how the security and encryption stuff works with square but if it were bad it wouldn't be as widely used as it is. I only avoid it because we are regulated by several state and national regulatory bodies and there are crazy cybersecurity regulations that I would have to abide by if we were to transmit personal financial information online. I'd probably have to hire someone to take care of the IT and compliance side of it. We have cyber insurance, but even with that, a data breach would be bad news and a pain with over 10,000 customer records (which probably isn't a lot, but seems like a lot to me).
  5. Cash is in the account the following morning from a transaction the previous day.
  6. My company uses a merchant services processor and we actually don't use a card reader in the office, but we have the option to if we ever want to hook one up. We could also set it up on our website for customers to make on-demand payments, but that brings up a whole host of cybersecurity considerations that I don't want to open the door to. Right now we just take down card info over the phone and enter it online and its hooked up to our bank account where the batches get settled to every day. Its not too expensive and really easy to set up.
  7. You should set it up so that you can take it over the phone and enter it online.
  8. I'm super flexible on mask or no mask both for myself and what others do, but probably won't be sharing any vapes, etc.
  9. Now that it's chilly outside it is kind of nice to wear a mask.
  10. I've done restaurant dining a bunch of times and at first I was uncomfortable with the fact that I didn't want the servers to think I thought of them as "disposable people" because I'm sitting there with no mask on and they are wearing one for protection. Extra nice tip, plus the fact that they are working instead of out of a job made me stop feeling bad. What's up with people wearing masks alone in cars, though? I've noticed it a lot lately and while what other people do is none of my business I am genuinely curious about it. Do they just forget to take it off, is it some kind of virtue signaling, or is there a real benefit to doing it that I should know about?
  11. I think a lot of people are getting weird because due to the pandemic we're doing fewer activities and consuming way too much content online and on TV.
  12. Sounds painful.
  13. I'd be astonished if my family has not had it but I'm not a big worrier about it. Found out yesterday that the family across the street was exposed and my wife and kids are over them all the time so we'll see! I'm just glad that I don't have to interact much at work because I'd feel more bad about giving it than getting it I think.
  14. I saw this week that the CDC is saying that the actual number of infections is likely 8 times what the reported number is. This has me feeling optimistic because you figure at the current number of 14 million cases, that would mean that 112 million have already been infected. With a US population of 330 million, if we get a couple rounds of the vaccine distributed it will dramatically slow down the spread. Although it won't be eliminated for a a while it will surely slow down after we eclipse 50% and move toward herd immunity. I'm sure there is a rebuttal to this by people way smarter than me, but I'm going to proceed forward with a hopeful attitude.
  15. I also got the Redd Foxx heart attack when I picked up tab for you, Jeff and I at Rendezvous Bistro!
  16. I'm crazy frugal in the areas that I don't care about, that way I can spend like a boss on fun stuff!
  17. Although, when I think of the cost of taking my family of four on a ski trip I do get the Redd Foxx heart attack.
  18. When it's good, it's totally worth it though. One day in Jackson Hole at about 11:30 am @AtomicSkierand I agreed that we had gotten our money's worth, and that $125 or whatever the price was is actually a good deal - if conditions are good and the terrain is nice.
  19. Did you wear a swim shirt?
  20. Maybe instead of swimming in schools they were social distancing?
  21. You've gotta be in heaven since you are mr. analysis. Crunching the numbers for the best deal was getting too easy, now you have a new challenge with the travel restrictions!
  22. I was doing some research and I found a place near me that has rapid tests that are covered by insurance *if* you do a telemedicine appointment, or you can just pay $150 out of pocket and get a rapid test any time you want. I will probably go that route when its time to start traveling a bunch soon.
  23. Don't want to sound like a hater on Vermont but no way in hell am I quarantining for 2 weeks for a Vermont ski trip. Maybe out west, but that's even pushing it. It's stupid that you can't just get a test a day or 2 right before you go.
  24. Killington, Wachusett and Cataloochie, NC all opened today I believe.
  25. LOL, I thought it was a meme, not an actual ad that Giant put out!
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