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Everything posted by NMSKI

  1. That curve is prominently featured in the movie " Unstoppable", where Denzel is on a runaway train heading toward the curve.
  2. PASR Cabin party!! Make it happen!
  3. You could actually dump the beer and still come out $10 ahead.
  4. Pretty sure that includes base grind/repair work/binding test. I bought a season tuning pass from them a couple years ago and it was like $65 I think. I was always happy with the work, but I got tired of planning my skiing around waiting for my skis.
  5. Got $75 for my old STH drivers from Buckman's tent sale. Might put it toward some tuning accesories.
  6. Getting white in the NM mountains
  7. Enjoying the last day of unemployment with a beer and a cool sunset.
  8. If it was up to my pops I'd be riding in the cargo hold.
  9. What is first class? I'm not familiar with that term.
  10. I'd give it a try if there's good snow this year. Pretty damn far but would be nice to try something different.
  11. Gotcha. Cameron's dad was a real prick.
  12. Is the 250 GT Fantuzzi Spyder the car in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
  13. Maybe not appropriate for this thread but I like it. http://www.powdermag.com/stories/ten-years-in-taos/
  14. Getting chilly in taos!
  15. I spent the summer between high school and college in Australia and let me just say, aussie girls LOVE american men! Heyyooo!
  16. Oh yeah, Beaver Creek is way better than Highlands, Squaw, Snowbird and Taos.
  17. That looks like it is a million degrees, do you have any skin remaining on the roof of your mouth?
  18. By drier, do you guys mean the water content in the snow or snowfall? I'm pretty damn sure T-ride is drier as far as water content/dry pow are concerned, but feel free to provide some actual proof which I don't have.
  19. Was hoping this would be the year I'd get to Wyoming or Montana, but lack of $ means I'll probably do my usual Taos trip since I can pull it off for basically free. Ridge - late season PASR Stowe invasion, lets make it happen!
  20. JFBB must be loving their name attached to this.
  21. CEO of the investment company that took over is probably a furry and nabbed the costume.
  22. Give the people what they want!
  23. Good question. I cursed loudly in front of some kids by accident when I was there last year, not realizing that it was a family dynamic going on in there.
  24. Free the man! I can decide for myself what I want to ignore, don't need someone deciding for me what's relevant or not. I'm not a huge fan of staff censoring content, and I have to imagine it would save a lot of the mods' time if it were done a lot less.
  25. I think you mean SICK TURD!
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