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About ja8kman

  • Birthday 11/30/1973

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Rossi Bandit B83, Rossi Scratch Brigade, Dynastar Troublemakers
  • Sport
    Skier & Snowboarder
  • Home Mountain

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  • Interests
    I ski or ride every single day. PERIOD.

ja8kman's Achievements


n00b (1/10)

  1. There is the Monster Rail jam this weekend..... http:www.twelve60.com
  2. sorry Dan. only 2 speakers... and maybe a sub. dolby 2.1???
  3. I put together a very quick movie from that night. I just tried this with Adobe Premiere for the 1st time. I will do another one when I find the time.
  4. There will be a Rail Jam this Sunday near Blue Mountain. Skier 150 will be holding it in his back yard. Music, food, fireworks, bon fire, and 2 rails set up. Up flat box and a straight adjustable rail. Real snow for the ramps if available. I will post directions if you want to come.
  5. something like that..
  6. Hey birds... just lettin everyone know that the pond skimmin will go down this Sunday at Blue. There will be around a 25 foot, sub 30 degree pond a few feet deep. You can try your luck at skimmin the thing or hitting the booter that will send you over the entire pond. Free shirts to people who make it. This is first for Blue, so show your support and your thongs and let this event go big!!! takes place 12-3 out in front of the lodge on Vista...
  7. Got a little insight on what the winners will be takin home from the Palmer Rail Jam on Sat. night. Best Skier, a pair of twin tips, Best boarder, a board (not sure what type) and 2 other boards will be up for raffle. And a whole bunch of swag. Should be pretty cool..
  8. Hey.. I built a box over the summer/fall last year. We used a sheet of formica for the topsheet. However, the topsheet is not always the top. This box has coping that runs down the side. They are 2 lengths of 1" steel tubing. The topsheet is actually set 3/16" down from the coping. That way if you ride the box 50/50 you will be on the topsheet. We finally got to ride the box with the topsheet this past weekend in the snow. It worked perfect. Formica has a good resistance to scratches and sharp objects.
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