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Everything posted by mike0100

  1. Mountain Creek ... is that it ?
  2. better not to expect it and be surprised then to expect it and be let down ... thats the way i see it
  3. Is the guy on the board Dennis? last week i was wearing my allentown (nj) t shirt and he knew it was new jersey because he graduated there. It was nice to know someone that lives around here. can anyone confirm if thats him
  4. crunk juice
  5. last i check it showed rain on sunday and monday .. sucsk cause ill be up there both days
  6. used to be on camelbacks message board
  7. his got stolen at hunter i think .. people that steal other peoples equipment are scumbags ! lock i got at pelican for 15 bucks friends lock that got cut
  8. make it a good lock ... my friend had his board stolen and it was locked.. He had one of thoes thin wire locks and it was probablly cut. This year i picked up a thick somewhat like a bike lock .. i reccomend a thick lock
  9. how old is the board ?.. i deff. say bring it to a shop
  10. your lucky.. wish i could go west to ride .. have fun
  11. that looks sweet.. your so lucky
  12. pharaoh or raceway with lots of speed
  13. you could probably find some stuff on ebay dirt cheap
  14. do PA kids get their liscense at 16 or 17 ?
  15. finally ... get some new snow on the mountains
  16. 62 and sweating
  17. wish i had ur skills .. nice riding
  18. would you be able to get a pic of the pants?
  19. I didnt say i was pissed because they werent open .. i said i was pissed because they lie and say they have 17 trails open when in reality they have 2.
  20. The thing that pisses me off, is that they are trying to decive (sp?) people looking at the website and seeing 17 trails. They say they have 3 lifts and 2 of them are for the bunny hill and one is for the meadows, which you can only acess meadows and park. so you can only ski on 2 trails, which is a waste. Anybody know how much they charge?
  21. I have finals next week on thursday and friday.. its nice because we get off on that monday after. Does PA schools have block scheduling ? wow is that a 1/2 day ? our half days get out at 11 35. . what time does your school start?
  22. Yeah the quads were down, and to make it worse alot of people from shawnee came to camelback since shawnee had no power and was closed.
  23. Yeah waiting in the lifts i saw alot of shawnee day tickets on people, and alot of ski shawnee stickers on boards and helmets. Camelback was pretty crowded & w/ no quads it made the lift lines rediculous.
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