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Everything posted by mike0100

  1. hopefully earley 8:30 9 at the latest .. i know the roads arent going to be the best
  2. i guess im going to blue tommorow
  3. any other mountain that might be less tempted to shut down the lifts ? blue ?
  4. I was thinking of heading up tommorw but heard it was gonna be pretty windy w/ gusts up to 45 mph. Will camelback shut down lifts if it gets to windy ? i dont feel like driving 2 hours and then finding out there not using the lifts.
  5. i like it .. what program you use to edit ?
  6. mike0100


    If the hump is the steepest, then why is cliffhanger a double black and the hump a single ?
  7. There is more space but rhodo is never nearly as crowded as laurel..
  8. Thanks for the info .. and ive actually been a member for a couple of months im just more of a reader then a poster.
  9. At camelback the other day me and a friend were going up the lift looking at the alpine slide. I told him they dont use it anymore ( i think i read something about it a while ago on this or camelbacks mb ) and he says they still use it in the summer. We made a bet and i just want see whos right .. any info would be great
  10. mike0100

    New goggles

    Look at dragons .. i got foils and love them .. you could probley find a good deal on ebay. They should fit around you helmet too.
  11. Just wondering how far you guys live from the mountain .. im 2 hours does anybody live any farther that goes on a regular basis ?
  12. forum jp walker ride spi's Burton rulers all 06
  13. mike0100

    who's goin

    ill be there from 12 30 to close ... brown & beige jacket , beige pants and brown hat .. ill be teaching a friend how to board
  14. ride spi's / ride tomcats .. check em out
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