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Everything posted by sredding222

  1. sredding222


    this pic is from today (sep 16)
  2. now there calling for a foot by sunday
  3. i was just visiting pa a week ago and went to jf/bb a couple times it was prety fun but i was just wondering was it just me or does anyone else have problems with the paint on the rails at jf coming off and staining your clothes i ended up having this orange tint to my pants that i cant get out
  4. wow ill be in pa ont that day
  5. you dont by any chance know what big mtn has in there park so far this year? i heard they moved off that backside?
  6. yea montana! i spent the past weeknd at big sky thoe
  7. just a simple 40 ft flat rail with a nice transition like the one in the jib fest video that brian thien kills
  8. ive used this stuff from home depot its the material they make showers and bath tubs outa. you can buy it in sheets for bout 20 dollars it works and is cheaper the plexi glass
  9. rails are more legit
  10. i dont think that you have to worry about plexi, its skinny enough that with those angle irons your board wont get hung up on the wood
  11. ths snow was good because it helped out with some of the forest fires out here
  12. yup moved out here a few years back from pa
  13. bridger!! fun/cheaper lift tickets
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