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Everything posted by AlpineZone

  1. Well, in his defense, we are talking about MRG on a 14" powder day. Perhaps his aggressive pole plants were due to excitement? I also refrain from critiquing technique at MRG. If you can make it down with some semblance of form, you're pretty damn good in my book. MRG is no joke. Aside from the wild swings, the guy's a very solid skier.
  2. Ha! There's a bunch of better vids here: http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=AlpineZone&p=v
  3. Thanks for the kind words, PA RR. AZ is technically a Northeast ski site, and obviously PA qualifies. However, AZ did start as a New England site before expanding to cover NY and eventually the rest of the NE so unfortunately, there are just not a lot of PA skiers there. I would love to see more. As far as any cracking on PA ski areas, I don't see that often, aside from harmless ribbing on the Denton 66 degree triple fall line trail of doom. Hunter used to get hammered quite a bit until long time pass holders dmc and JimG. signed on to set the records straight that Hunter is a legit hill. We've had several gatherings at Hunter and now the place gets the respect it deserves. My home hill, Ski Sundown CT, is a small 625 foot vert feeder hill, but we have a group of guys that ski there weekly on Wednesday night so that mountain is also well represented on AZ. We also got a pretty good sized Wachusett contingent. I guess my point is most AZers just like to ski and you don't have to ski the bigger NE mountains like Whiteface, Jay, Stowe, Sugarbush/MRG, Killington, Cannon, Sugarloaf or Sunday River to fit in. All are welcome. Oh and have you heard? GSS is posting there now. He's the steeziest...
  4. Ha! I know. I haven't watched that vid since shortly after I made it and today I'm like WTF?! Similar footage over and over! Oof. Probably should've stuck to just one tune....
  5. Thought I'd throw some media into this forum. 3/19/2007:
  6. I can only imagine. Some have thicker skins than others. I guess the point is that most industry people that post to provide accurate info do so as a courtesy, and if they start getting a lot of static for things out of their control, they may decide it's not worth their time.
  7. Posts like this are precisely why it's so difficult to get industry insiders participating on forums like this. Over on AZ we've got a number of industry reps actively participating, from lifties to resort owners. The reason is because we try to show a little bit of respect and civility.
  8. Tim did a great job with the challenge. I haven't seen this much optimism around Mount Snow in some time. Should be a great season!
  9. With support from a group of AlpineZone Members, Sugarbush Resort, Mad River Glen, and the Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce, I'm excited to announce the creation of a new online community dedicated to skiing Sugarbush and Mad River Glen, as well as life in the Mad River Valley of Vermont overall: SkiMRV.com Many of you probably remember the old RSN resort forums. When RSN pulled the plug on them, many from the Sugarbush forum migrated over to AlpineZone and started what would become a 45 page thread just on Sugarbush. That, coupled with the success of other resort-specific forums like KillingtonZone.com, sparked this idea. So, if you're a fan of Sugarbush or Mad River Glen, stop on by and check it out. We have several members that live in the Mad River Valley who are very knowledgeable of happenings up there. Enjoy!
  10. http://news.alpinezone.com/6175/
  11. Funny...try $69.
  12. http://news.alpinezone.com/6147/ Any of you guys gonna make a road trip?
  13. I would imagine it's better to have the ground freeze first. The biggest issue they are facing now is the water bars which need to be covered up before they can open. Snowmaking may begin tonight!
  14. The latest: http://news.alpinezone.com/6090/
  15. Bubba from K-Zone posted these: http://community.webshots.com/album/486106743rnoHQc Here's the ski club's cam:
  16. Hunter doesn't have night-skiing, does it?
  17. Come on - where's 2002? Slacker.
  18. Your forecast temps are likely from the access road or perhaps even Rutland. Temps will be much colder at elevation...
  19. There's some talk about Killington firing up the guns Thursday night for the yearly "blowing out the mice" photo opp. I'm hearing differently. Word I'm getting is they are going to wait for a window of relative cold and won't blow until they feel it can be done as part of actual base-building. Yes. November 11 is the target opening date (weather-dependent as always). If they are open, I will be there that day!
  20. For all the MC fans: http://news.alpinezone.com/5983/
  21. Wrong state.
  22. Gore.
  23. Okay. This one is a bit more difficult:
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