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joe g

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Everything posted by joe g

  1. ron hawks is the new gm's name
  2. the event is an open competition....it is NOT invite only, it is open to anyone... we (roundtop) were not responsible for all of the advertising, but i took it upon myself to get the word out as much as i could.. the promoters of the event were more responsible to advertise, but i'm guessing from what i've heard on here that there isn't much advertising going on at all..so spread the word, or keep it hush, either way its cool w/ me..
  3. papa...as far as the rt crew, i'm not sure yet who all is going...and snowtime is holding the event, so it will be on the roundtop mobile rail jam set up...there are also several shops from the dc area that are sponsering the event, i just don't have the names... it has the potential to draw a larger turnout, but from what i have heard, there hasn't really been alot of advertisment for the event.. so its kind of up in the air about that... but i wish i knew as well cuz if its alot of people, i'd like to take about 2 bottles of asprin with me so i don't get the headache i had from the one at roundtop..man judging all those people was hard as hell
  4. there will be a rail jam held at the National Ski and Snowboard Expo in Washington D.C. on Nov. 12. registration begins at 9 am and goes until the beginning of the event. the jam starts at 1 pm. the rail is a battleship box roughly a 1 1/2 ft wide. snow will be trucked in, and there is a $10 entry fee, winner take all event in each respective catagory (ski, snowboard) the event will take place at the Dulles Expo Center
  5. We have just started a contest to come up with an official name for our park on Exhibition. The contest is open to anyone, and all entries are to be mailed to skiroundtop@skiroundtop.com. the winner will recieve a free season pass for the 2005-2006 season, or a similar credit to the retail shop. the contest has not official end date to it, as we review all entries sent in each day. we will pick the winner based on a vote from a group of management to decide the name. thanks and good luck
  6. i never said that bout the rain or shine thing over on newschoolers.... haha, either way it is rain or shine as it was advertised on the website
  7. joe g


    here's the scoop... the original idea was a "triple threat" rail.. 2 "c" boxes back to back i.e.....)(... with a rainbow in the middle.. that didn't work out for our setup, so we just decided to run the back to back c boxes.. the rail will be set up for saturday during the ski swap, but no snow will be on it until sunday.. saturday is just for people to see the set-up and all... sunday is the real deal, starting at 1pm til 4pm with registration starting at 12
  8. mad props on all that u guys built, the website, and everything.. looks really good and ya'll look like u have ur s**t straight..
  9. the reason that the take-off was right up to the rail was for liability reasons...our biggest fight/problem setting up that whole jam was how to make sure that we would be covered by roundtop's insurance policy and how to make it less likely to get hurt... i do understand though everything people said/complained about during the jam... all in all, i thought it was fun, but there are most def. things that needed to be worked out.. 1. for a "portable" rail jam set-up, i felt after the jam that 20ft in lenght may have been too much.. maybe drop it to like 18ft instead, 2. the original plan was to change the pitch of the rail so that there was a downward pitch on it, but we simply ran out of time to do the metal work on the rail. 3. i also felt that 39 inches was too high for that set up.. with the dimensions of the drop in, speed, everything else involved, i would have liked to drop it a little lower.. all things cosidered though, i felt it went off well, hell we got mad props from alot of people.. but take in mind, this was the first time we used this set-up so i didn't expect everything to be perfect.. also, there were plans to have more vendors there, but two of them work at the beach and labor day weekend is their last big weekend to make money, and other vendors were at a trade show... i decided to wave the $10 fee because it was a trail deal for this setup and i felt it would have been unfair to charge people and have it not go exactly perfect.. i do want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting the whole thing, and giving all their opinions.. i apoligize if it wasn't up to par for everyone, but again, thank you
  10. yea..i put you on when we talked a little while back...
  11. ok, since we have been having such a large number of people reequesting to ride, or thinking about coming to this jam, the promoters have asked me to make it an invite only event... i have a list of riders who are already submitted to the promoters and that is all who are going to be able to ride in this jam... sorry if this causes any mix up, or anger, or whatever, but i have to do what the car show promoters ask of me.. so as of last week, this is an INVITE ONLY event
  12. Keep in mind that was the first time roundtop tried to pull something like that off in non-operation hours... plus who would have known how many people would come out and actually ride that jam...normally we get like half that for normal rail jams.. if we were to put 2 rails this year, it would require more snow/ice which right now isn't the easiest to get... most ice rinks in our area either arn't cutting their ice surfaces as much because its not hockey season(which is when they cut it more) and the rinks that do cut it more are switching to a different method of disposal rather than piles of snow behind their rink... it is a good idea though and if it is possible, we will make it happen..but there will be more order and a better situation this year rather than the mass havoc that occured last year
  13. right now there is no more room for any other riders in this jam...i was only given x amount of wristbands for x amount of riders and crew to set this up... it kinda sucks that it had to end up like this because this would have been really cool to have it open jam, but word leaked all over and i had to make it a "private" deal. october 23rd there will be a jam at ski roundtop that will most likely be the same set-up possibly with a different rail, but it will be an open jam
  14. yup
  15. don't have the time nor do i want to make changes to that rail since we are using it in one of the parks this season....im hoping there will be enough speed coming off those ramps and all
  16. here is pretty much how the set-up is going to be for it... we have a box truck that we use for our paintball operation that is about 9ft tall.. riders will start at the top of the truck and drop onto a 20ft ramp that will be attached to the van.. off the 20ft ramp riders will transistion onto an 8ft takeoff ramp onto a 20ftx1ft box that we used last season. all the ramps will be covered with a surface that we are getting, the covered with snow/ice shavings from ice rinks. we have a good number of both boarders and skiiers that will be riding.. $10 entry fee, helmets are REQUIRED as well. the event location... it will be held at the 7th and Forester St. parking garage in Downtown Harrisburg. ALSO this event is taking place in/during a car show put on by WRTeam, called WREvolution 05.. 2502 stunt bikes and Bastard on Wheels will also be in the same area that we are providing entertainment along with a long list of bands and dj's..
  17. as of right now, no idea.. i'm actually busy working on another event for sept 3rd in downtown harrisburg, but as soon as that is done, and out of the way, i will be focusing more on the october jam, and whether it will be a new rail, or something we have done before, but as soon as word is ready on that jam, i'll post up the info
  18. the rail jam event on the 23rd of oct is NOT invite only...its open for anyone to ride in, both ski and snowboard
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