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Everything posted by baconzoo

  1. baconzoo


    I was tucking the lower half of the mountain with a Race Crew buddy. He was way ahead of me. I noticed some people down but I kept going. He had booted a child in the head. The child was a girl down on the backside of a knoll. He didn't see her till it was too late. The impact knocked him out. When he came to, he was alone in a clinic, he walked out of his room to see the medics pronouncing the little girl dead. NO HELMET!
  2. baconzoo


    I'm all about the RED High-FI which has a removable speaker syatem so in the spring it's cooler.
  3. baconzoo

    New toy

    Crazy....I'm looking to move to PA from NY soon. I just landed a job at Peek'n Peak as their Multimedia Manager. They have a new owner and a new mission to enhance things so a guy like me was needed. I'm stoked beyond belief. It's going to be a sick marriage. I taught for eight years and have connections at Burton so the plan is to make the Peak the place to Learn To Ride. I'll be enhancing their terrain features as well. Man is it great to be back on the hill! (after a six year sentance behing a desk) My feet were blistered after the Nationwide PGA tour last week. Golf is going off there as well.
  4. baconzoo

    New toy

    Playing with motion blur and a 30D today. I had a 80mm on a ladder about 20 feet back from the back of the mini ramp. I had it on Tv mode at about 15-30. Next time I'll try a tripod to pan smoothly. I was a little too shaky because it was the first time I've skated in years and my adrenaline was up. (it was just like riding a bike though!) Oh yea, and next time I'll get in front of the skater! Butt shots suck..... Have you guys been to this photog forum? http://www.wheelsandwax.com/cgi-bin/Blah/Blah.pl
  5. I know you've got pictures. Lets see some action
  6. the Community Project teaser This film looks like one of the best ever: http://www.community-project.com/teaser.php Mad art and editing skills to be used as inspiration. The riding will make you gag. Matchstick Productions "The Hit List" http://skimovie.com/movies/hitlist_high.zip TGR's "Tangerine Dream" http://www.tetongravity.com/td/tdTra...hp?mov=6#Movie Absinthe Teaser http://www.absinthe-films.com/ Theory-3 http://www.theory-3.com/images_video...ngTheory-3.mp4 Candide-Pullup http://www.skipass.com/_videos/pullup.wmv Standard Films: http://106andesign.com/paradox-teas...-30.7mb.mov.zip Sick heli camera angles. God knows I love cheese wedges. East Cost - Huckzone Trailers: http://www.huckzone.com/videoclips.php Sorry to drop this because it's summer and it will make you want to really ride. http://www.ragefilms.com/ This will give you goose bumps for sure. (not freestyle) www.waitinggamethemovie.com and for download http://wink.v-r-interactive.com/wgteaser_18M.mov Can you tell that I spend too much time on the web?
  7. Linky No workie.... Post it on http://www.evillelakeeffect.com/HV/
  8. Nice bumping Vid! You should cut the time in half and work out what compression scheme to use. I like the WMV version 8 because most MACs can handle it. It needs to be big, engaging, and non stop! Do a re-edit of that and stomp it! E-mail me if you need Premiere advice. Check out the compression I got under 10 mb for this flick: (2 years old - almost 5 min) So it can only get better. It's just such trial and error or expensive software. http://www.baconzoo.com/shreddragan.htm
  9. Here is my Holiday Valley Forum: Holiday Valley Forums and video and image website: E'ville Lake Effect And just to prove what Lake Effect is check this 4 footer on Thanksgiving 2000. This is from "The Wall"
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