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Everything posted by parkbuilder

  1. Hell yea... one week away people!
  2. The lights are on at the mountain everyone, which can mean only one thing...
  3. to be honest... i had no idea what their snowmaking capacity was until I started working there, lets just say its EPIC, and if the temps stay the way they are predicted, opening day will def happen!
  4. we should be starting construction opening day, which would be that friday after Thanksgiving. Thats not 100% certain because well... there isn't any snow made yet. If the crew can blow a crazy amount of snow this week (which they can) and we get a good base layer down, then construction should take place next friday. Then I'd give it at least 3 days until its completed. If you are gonna wait to go, I'd say stay away until after the first week. I'll keep everyone posted everytime I get new info. pray for snow!
  5. i know this... i need people to have confidence aight? if all goes to plan, everything will be sweet
  6. We are blowing tommorow... and everynight we can until Thanksgiving. We open the day after.
  7. I honestly want to have plexi, but trust me the angle will be nice to get up on the plywood. I have ridden plywood wallrides and as long as they are setup right we will be in great shape!
  8. Hey man... I'll tell you what, you get your friends together and talk over some ideas. Get a complete list of what you guys want, and have one person who will speak for everyone and give me a holla at 570-296-4474, Ususally I don't give out my home phone, but in this case it is nessicary. You have until about the day before Thanksgiving to talk to me before I need to take matters into my own hands. Its gonna be a tight layout but I WILL USE as many ideas as I can. After all its YOUR PARK and we at shawnee want to make sure it's the best it can be. Some things are already set in stone about placement, that I can't budge from because of the way the trail is setup. But honestly start posting ideas and ill be on to let you know whats up. Construction should begin if we have enough snow opening weekend. When will the park open?! I have no idea... nobody knows for sure yet, there is no snow on the ground!
  9. what beautiful pics
  10. I know I know, I tried for some plexi on the wallride. But the guys who made it for us will void any warrantees if we tamper with the design. The fact is I know personally Heavenly in Cali uses plywood for their wall ride, and they are the ones who built it for us, as does Bear mountain in Cali... If it dont slide? Ill be there to fix that problem. Ill be keeping it in top shape! oh yea and the rainbow box, not one of my favs... it is really wide, but it was setup kinda crapy last year... at least its good for some presses once we get it setup nice in the snow!
  11. Hey everyone, I uploaded some new pics of the Jibs at shawnee... Some things still need to be done, (like painting the wallride, etc...) but all in all everything is ready to go. As of now snowmaking will be starting Thursday night in preperations for a next Friday opening. Pray for cold temps with this cold front! http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p..._album&album=80
  12. Well we plan on blowing thursday night once the cold front moves in, then we want to open as many trails as possible and shoot for the day after thanksgiving and be open all weekend. We can survive highs in the 40's and a few days in the 50's even, as long as those lows are in the 20's and 30's we will be in great shape! Thats straight from one of the snowmakers.
  13. Here is a little sample for what is in store for the upcoming season. It will be painted and fixed up real nice this week, after all I only have until thursday before compressed air and water are mixed together.
  14. Stratton, hands down.
  15. 40' long, mellow, down handrail, set up street style... Park City has a beautiful one. Or a giant battleship box.
  16. thanks man, i appreciate it! everything has been going awsome so far... I even got the layouts and feature list yesterday to design the park. Think Snow!
  17. I wish the would update their site, you would think they would if they were opening on saturday
  18. If those lows stick around, don't be surprised to see Thanksgiving weekend skiing at Shawnee... Pray for those daytime temps to stay in the 40's as well, it will help.
  19. I would want the lower part on the left side. How phat would a smith, pop up to a front nose be. Nasty again... this is PARKRIDER speaking his mind... Not Parkbuilder.
  20. u did say right, my b... sounds good
  21. Don't even need to look at that bud... thats a great idea, they are called a step-up to step-down... has anyone seen "from______, with love."? they have three steps all lined up in one jump, its insane. Anyway, I'll bring the idea up with the guys, even a step-up would be hot sh*t. Any reason for the lower box on the left? or is that just preference?
  22. The new double box has arrived at the mountain and ready to go. It can best be described as two 25'-30' flat boxes side by side, but at diffrent hight levels to mix things up. The bottom box is about 2'1/2" tall, while the box next to it is about 3'-4' tall. The boxes are about a good 2' wide as well giving everyone lots of options. But which side do you want lower??? left or right? It's your call so give in those comments.
  23. Well its getting to be that time again where planning the park is coming into play. Once these cold temperatures arrive and the snow is blowing, the park opening won't be far away. I want to gather as many ideas on setups as local riders want. It's your park and any help would be awsome. The pipe will be in much better condition this year as we will not open it until we feel it is completly ready, plus we have a new pipe groomer. If there is any air pockets that develop or big chunks or caynons, I'll be in there patching things up pretty much everyday with a rake/shovel. Now that the pipe is out of the way... SEND ME THOSE OPINIONS!
  24. mountain creek has a panty tree... it was almost totally covered last year... i agree that every resort needs one!
  25. justo, it all depends on how their rails are built. The standard for most rails now is that there are what I call "feet". They are horizontal braces that stop rails from tipping over from side to side. A good example of this is to log on to http://www.mthigh.com/photos/?date=051104 this will show the bottom supports from MT. High in Cali. Other rails do not have these "feet", I know that even shawnee doesn't have them on most features. This makes more snow needed in order to have complete and safe stability. As for boxes... those are wide to begin with, so they don't need that extra stability. Hope this was help!
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