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Everything posted by parkbuilder

  1. it seems to me, that in putting in a small lift for the park it will be hard to expand in the future. quite possibly, they don't want to expand and this is just a ploy to keep park rats off the other trails. I think its smart in doing that, I love parks that are completely separated from the other trails. Its just why build a lift when you might want to expand the park in future seasons? looks like that park will be the same for a few seasons...
  2. i loved that about elk... no people, and very isolated... prob y the conditions are so nice. And about that lift, I wouldn't mind takin a trip up there to check things out, as much as i hike, im used to mountains where the parks have their own lifts. no better way to ride, than to take those laps through the park
  3. its good to see they are investing more time into their parks, i went there two years ago and nearly left bc of their park, if it wasn't for their great snow conditions. A good drop in is always the key, so thanks for answering my question. Is that the spot they had the park last year?
  4. good music though? what do they play? it seems from the pics everyone had a blast
  5. got ya
  6. looks like a great time, all this at RT?
  7. last year turned out to be a great season... at least in my opinion, but your right... everything started opening sooooo slow, places weren't 100% open until at least the second or third week in january (im talking parks), and that was just killin a lot of people.
  8. Trust me I'm to not trying to start anything here lol, but whats the deal every now and then with people riding of the sides of kickers that are meant for rails/boxes? I guess its just a pet peave for me being a park rat, but after a few people do it it tends to kill lips. Whats wrong with the jumps? and no im not going to stop someone if they do that in the park lol, but i know it angers almost every local rider who is waiting to hit a rail/box.
  9. doesn't look that steep of a trail, and not too many pitch changes either, wonder how they are gonna set things up.
  10. wow... $20 great deal for 2 peaks... does the price reflect the quality?
  11. Amen... and I ment to include all parks in pa not just those three! sorry bout that...
  12. Well... I feel that I'm torn in two pieces right now. I grew up here in Pike County PA, where I learned to ride at Masthope mountain. Then I ended up going to school in Sparta, NJ and commuting from PA everyday. I took my first ride through MC's parks 6 years ago with some new friends, right when Shaun Orrechio took over the Park Manager job at MC, and fell in LOVE with freestyle. Mountain Creek is a super respectable mountain with amaizing freestyle features and a true love for freestyle, and they have proven that time and time again. Honestly PAsucks... I am actually ashamed that you decided to open your mouth on here and start to make MC locals look like dirt. I am friends with most of them and I honestly never had a problem with anyone. So for all PA people, jerzy peeps aren't as bad as they are made out to be. MC, BC, and now Shawnee are all building parks to their best ability for one reason, to give skiers and riders the chance and opportunity to ride freestyle terrain and to develop a love for the sport. Not to see who comes out best in transworld. When I go into a park I'm not looking for rankings or Vert. feet, I'm looking to have fun and to better my skills in freestyle. Honestly if multiple parks can give me that... every park deserves a #1 rank.
  13. good shit man... keep it up!
  14. na na na... its def not every rail, there setups really are good though. it was really only the down-flat-down and a down rail. everything else u just need speed...
  15. Don't even get me started on parents, kids, and terrain parks... park rats can back me up! Nothing pisses me off more than to see kids who should still be on beginner trails go into parks with their parents and ride halfway up kickers and stop, blocking it totally and killing what lip is there. then they slowly glide down the trannies and go their merry way... a good 80% of the time injuries in Tp's are inexperience related, "smart style" was implemented for a reason people
  16. yea i hear that, creek sucks if u head there after school lets out... way to crowded in the parks, and the conditions go way downhill at about sunset. Id imagine street style would be harder for skiers. I always like that setup for the down-flat-down though towards the end of last season... you could gap that all day with little or no speed in the spot it was at.
  17. I'm impressed overall with the quality (or the apperence of quality) in the BC features. You guys seem to grasp that nobody south of VT has the Vert to compete with major resorts from that area, so you're turning to your parks as a source of income. You see what people want and you give it. It makes me proud and even motivated (concidering i work at a mountain!) that a resort is pushing freestyle terrain in PA. Keep it up, and ill see ya in the parks.
  18. The new wall ride is in! Straight from Heavenly California... It's very well built from what I saw yesterday. Its gonna be just amaizing to stall, and its pretty mellow compared to other wallrides i've hit. Everyone is excited about this coming year, should be a blast. The new top sheets for the boxes should be in today as well Get out and buy a pass!
  19. sorry... im gonna hafta step in and represent shawnee... its gonna be off the hook this year, (matt keep that mouth closed rookie lol)
  20. absoultly... my big hope this year is that everything will flow and that YOU have the choice on what you want to hit. I'm definatly hoping to see a jump line of some kind after the pipe, then slowly transfer into some rails, with hips and some tables thrown into the mix... by the way, the new wall ride looks sweet straight from heavenly california.
  21. any idea about how many people could turn out? if its like the last event i might hafta say no and head to bellayre for the openeing of their first park (if it gets cold enough)
  22. Well I guess I'll step in here and totally agree with DH on this... In my opinion those rails/boxes started it all for me and my era of freestyle. It was great learning tricks on the easy stuff first, it's almost a given now that resorts produce 2 parks or at least a "beginner line" in their parks to incorperate beginner riders/skiers, after all they are the future of our sport. Thats my plan this year for Shawnee's park, host two lines... diffrent setups on each and have something like a beginner line on the left and a more advanced line on the right, anything is possible really.
  23. they still have that place opening the 5th, you have to remeber, its up north a lil ways,a and the peak temps are alot colder, so we'll see, im heading up hopefully saturday
  24. What do you mean exactly when you say circus rails... anything other than your standard straight and kink features? It sounds to me that you would like some straight stuff like a good 20'-30' box to learn idk, tricks like 270's or diffrent slides that you'd be comfortable with...
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