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Everything posted by parkbuilder

  1. Bryan Kreischer (parkrider) placed 5th in the boarders comp. put him in for Shawnee as his home mtn
  2. interesting... anything else?
  3. Who knows what the setup is? i hear a about a "triple threat" feature... could this be like stairs (ie us open rail jam style?)
  4. hey people take a look! http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/...r/tenday/717015
  5. Anyone headed to the Roundtop rail jam this sunday? I already got my waiver form from www.skiroundtop.com When's the best time to arrive?
  6. i appreciate it.
  7. Everything is great at creek, I have zero complaints... they build the best jibs in the east hands down... i just hate their weekends, soooo crowded, but ur a local so u know the best time is during the week! i always went up for first tracks in the park during the week, un-beatable. Intawest has the money for it all as well, they own mammoth, whister, stratton, mt tremblant, just to name a few, they have gobbs of money and its paying off, minus those crazy crowds.
  8. i loved the park pass at the creek last year, most of the yokals didn't like it too much from what i heard, but it was 5 bucks for the entire season, you cant beat that... it helped out a little and it kept the old school skiers outta the park who were just there to check things out and chill on top of flats & trannies. no offence to those guys i think their funny, just passin my experience
  9. That is a poor excuse for a post... not even close? Give me 1 to 2 weeks, and I'll post the finished products. "bob villa" I really wonder about you pasucks.
  10. Can someone explain to me what is so odd looking about our features? I'm sorry I forgot ledges aren't popular on boxes... right... U just got an invite up to the house this winter. When you see the setup I will respect your opinion because Im really cool like that... but until then, keep your mouth shut. If i had the money to spend hundreds of dollars on metal materials I would, but I don't... for now I build affordable stuff that doesn't break. And the setups are a thing of beauty. I have plenty of people to back me up.
  11. Okay people please listen up... My little brother PARKRIDER used my name on here and didn't know it because he is a dumb F***... Notice that I do not curse on here (that often ) Everything that you read, please disregard it and aim your focus and attention to PARKRIDER. I absoutely love mountain creek, its where I learned and gained my passion for freestyle riding. With that said, to say I have no experience is ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T. I know more about freestyle fabricating and design than anyone on here. Can you weld? Can you build half the sh* I spend my life doing? Believe it or not tough guy my life is parks, as of august of '06 my ass ships off the Green Mountain College to life on Killy to major in ski resort management and business operations, then its off to an internship at mammoth mountain with a person call Oren Tanzer (who I have spoken too already). Oren is single handily responsible for having Mammoth's parks and pipes in both transworld and snowboarder magazine's top 10 every year. Tell me what you have in your back yard... I have plenty of people on here who can back me up that my life revolves around freestlye progression. Make sure u look at the PIC of the day as well, it doesn't look like your box on there. Now that i have vented.... I'm sure you were just going with the moment and didn't realize that it wasn't me talking. So i apologize for any out bursts. Finally... buy a ticket to shawnee because whether you think it will be good or not, Its gonna kick ass. Thats a fuck*n promise!
  12. Ive ridden that park at MC for 4 years, and they keep getting worse. Theirs nothing like shredding their park at 8 am on a weekday, but after 1 pm everyday of the week, you have little gooks sking along the parks, because the park crew thought it was a good idea to charge a measly 5 bucks to get in. So now you have mayb 25% less pl in the parks, congrats, you still have kids who hike for an hour at a time the landings up so theres giant holes!!! YOU STILL have little chinese cutting infront of you when you try to cab 270 the c box, and the lift lines, dont even get me started on the lines, Shawnee, under new management and you have guys coming in from out west who have real park experience to design the parks. ALSO it is good that noone goes to shawnee, more new jumps, boxs, pipe for us, so you have fun with your little chinese infested parks with icey landing 24/7 and holes the size of craters! Keep the language civil please
  13. parkbuilder


    this is my last post on this subject... just ride, who cares how you do it... just ride
  14. parkbuilder


    I love to ride with my gang... i just surround myself with people i know wont give me shit. But i also love to ride alone every morning for first tracks!
  15. parkbuilder


    honestly... i meant that about the blunt, everyones so militant. This is everything im against in the sport.
  16. parkbuilder


    defense of people's home turf... enough said
  17. parkbuilder


    Thanks... I'm all about just having a good time, I get a lil ticked off sometimes too when my place gets bashed but ya know what i honestly dont care too much anymore, i just focus on having those goodtimes with my friends or even just by myself. At the same time I totally understand that you gotta defend ur home turf! I think a lil competition helps progression...
  18. parkbuilder


    aight u go ahead and look back and see if i did any bashings of other mountains. people on here can back me up that your attitude is something I hate in skiers and riders. Dude just relax man, smoke a blunt or something to cool off. Just ride and have fun, and if people diss your mountain turn a cheek and press on. I hear tons of sh*t about the places i ride. What you think should be all that matters to you. Forget all this sh*t people say man, just ahve fun.
  19. parkbuilder


    wow everyone just relax... Jesus people, everyone has their own opinions and views about diffrent mountains. Hunter is open way earlier than any resort here in PA. last season i was riding nov 18th. (something like that...)Everyone should chill out and just be happy you have a place to ride and call "home". Stop the bullsh*t and ride people.
  20. Its a great idea but im afraid that I would need to wait on that. Shawnee is soooo adimit about risk management that I don't think they would accept anything that we build over here in Milly. There is so much I wanna help with this year in terms of setup and placement, the good news is we have a new top sheet for last years boxes at shawnee, so no waves will form on the tops of boxes. Once the season starts over at Shawnee and they feel more comfortable with me in the park, who knows what will happen... Thanks for the great idea though!
  21. elk is a great guess... ill go with that
  22. hey everyone, yea this shit will definatly last you guys... everything in the park fabrication buisness these days will cost you an arm and a leg. Its crazy how this shit can be so expensive to build and or even buy. who ever is interested ill even throw in a paint job for free....
  23. well it is def northeast... most likely vermont judging by the trees... but it looks like its in the middle of the state. i wanna say okemo possibly.
  24. Hey everyone, My friend sam would like to sell our A-Frame Box for $400. Its 8' up, to 8' down. Built with metal coping, 1/4" plexi-glass, and a hardwood frame. Contact me for any info. http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...&cmd=si&img=435
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