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Everything posted by parkbuilder

  1. hey all, I hit up creek yesterday and was the first to hit the upslope and the poop daddy... (the poopdaddy is a flat bar by the way) take offs onto them were sooo nice... the hip wasnt open but i can assure you its ginormous! I cant wait to head back.
  2. yea today was sooo nice with the conditions after the sun went down, before that the snow was sooo stickey
  3. haha thanks man, i used a lot of love to build that kinkbox lol. I just built a 20' frame and a 10' frame out of the standard backyard 2x4's, plexiglass, and pvc. prob under 100$ cause the wood was donated. There are pics in the member gallery of the building process... "jib fabrications '05 '06"
  4. not the clearest view... but here is my friend joe on our kinkbox.
  5. There will be no beginner park this year as of now. Look for a possible beginner park next season. Most likely in the old park "Country Club" All jib-fabrication ideas were terminated.
  6. http://www.shawneemt.com/parkpipe/parkpics.html there are a few new pics from Mid-Atlantic on there... not the best pics, but hey it was also in the middle of a snowstorm.
  7. Yea, our mountain may be small but we have pumped out so much snow (and we continue to make snow). Plus with all of this natural stuff conditions will be amaizing for quite sometime. I'll be there most of the day friday as of right now. I'll be in all grey with a burton dominant and the only guy in the park with a rake.
  8. haha yea, i had no idea that was you. yea idk about those judges... they just weren't happy people lol. my boss and I were pissed that they closed the C. Not to mention the fact that by the time the comp was over the kicker onto it was completly destroyed , but hey tommorow is a new day... and hopefully a faster one for that first jump , thanks for swinging by anyway despite the slow conditions. hope to see you again soon.
  9. The comp went off pretty well, due to some problems that came about we werent able to put in the flat rail to down box. but we ended up having a decent line and mutiple options to chose from in your run. It was soooooooo slow today because of all the fresh snow so the first jump was scratched for the comp. The second jump to the wall ride was the run chosen by the judges. Despite the poor conditions tons of riders (and 2-4 skiers) made it out and threw some stuff down hard. Nothing but good vibes today, we even got the firepit blazin'. Thanks for everyone that came out despite the weather, we had a really great turn out.
  10. Hey guys... we have done some moving around in the past few days. The second jump and the last feature setup for the mid-atlantic snowboard series will be completed tonight due to mechanical difficulties last night. The contest in march is def laid back and just a fun comp. I suggest entering that just to meet some cool people. I will be going in tonight again to complete the construction and prepare for tommorow's comp... see everyone there.
  11. any pics of this 65'?
  12. I have just recieved word today that park construction was moved to this Friday Feb. 8th. We are planning to continue snowmaking around the clock thursday and shoot for a possible Friday evening opening... the park will be open Saturday. Sorry for any inconvience.
  13. March 6th is pretty far away, we are focused on our setup this weekend. Once we draw closer to our March event, more infomation will be given.
  14. Thats awsome man... this weekend will be the best all year. We are putting in a lot of hours of snowmaking and cat work, to really beef up the park. Be prepared for a crazy layout and amaizing new setups onto features. Not to mention awsome conditions for park riding. See you there.
  15. haha thanks for the complement. I make it a part of my job to meet as many people as possible, that way I can get a feel of who likes/dislikes the park and why. The name sounds reallly familiar... skier?
  16. Hey everyone, Here is another update on Shawnee's park. Most of our features were taken off the trail yesterday to blast the trail with snow. All of the boxes and some rails were taken out and put aside to re-configure setups and placements. Here is a list of features that are already undergoing re-construction: Down-Flat-Down Flat-Down-Flat 40' Booter We will be closing the trail down for most of the day Thursday to begin construction of the new layout. I will be giving more updates as they become available.
  17. Hey everyone, My name is Keith and I'm the park Manager over at Shawnee this year. I just wanted to start a post saying that I am so pleased to see that a lot of PA mountains are stepping it up in the parks this season, even with dealing with one of the worst january's in recent years. All I hear is good news from places like BB, Bear Creek, Roundtop, Blue, (cough) Shawnee (cough) , and I'm so happy that managements across the poconos have realized that parks are not a fad, but a necessity. Props to everyone for making this a great season so far, even without substantial snow. And as for all the park crews out there... keep pushing the envelope, so we can push eachother to create better parks for these skiers and riders. Peace
  18. I'm just toying with you man lol... I'll be glad to give you the setup (as it is planned for right now...) Here we go: 40' booter 30'-20' hit (His/Her) Flat Rail gap to Down Box Multi take off (option of street or regular) Flat Down rail (stairs possible) Into a choice of either the Down Dual Layer Box (on left), or the C-Box (going from right to left) Then Into another choice of the small Battleship Rail (on left) or the Down Flat Box (on right) and ending at the Wall Ride That is what layout I have developed with the input of local riders. Hope this has helped! see you sunday
  19. I don't know whether to give out the layout, or make everyone suffer by not saying a word... I love having that power
  20. Thanks for the link steeze
  21. Is anyone headed to Shawnee next weekend (Feb. 12th) for the Mid-Atlantic snowboard series?
  22. Well I guess I'll jump in on this one, I haven't seen too many instructors here with the skills needed to throw any 9's. In fact I have only seen a few thrown down in general. When the new course layout is done for mid-atlantic, I'm positive that will change. Oh, and by the way... the only 9's I have seen were done by skiers! (I think maybe one snowboarder too!)
  23. What's the best station for park riding on XM radio? Lemme know and I'll throw it on!
  24. Thanks for the comment steeze... in regards to those features, I have a meeting tommorow morning to show my design plans for two new handrails: a 30' straight single barrel, and a 35' down streetstyle. Pray all goes well! Beginner park plans are also under my radar...
  25. Well there is more skier's arriving each week. We have no hate here for skiers, in fact I'm working to get our park more skier friendly by incorporating wider kickers for features and working with local skiers to adapt to a more well rounded park for skiers and riders. Take a trip over and check everything out for yourself, then maybe we will see even more of an increase of skiers in our park.
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