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Everything posted by parkbuilder

  1. The Dual Box
  2. I'm basically in charge of the design/layout of the trail. I'm may be limited in what I can setup because we do not know how much snow we have to work with. The more snow they make until Wed, the more features will be open. Once the layout plan is in place I direct the snowcats on placement, angles, and setups and physically help install all of the features which includes kicker work. When its all said and done I hit the features a few times (being towed in on the snowmobile) and see if everything is up to par. When the building is completely done and the park is ready for the public, I cruise the park and ride. Once is spot a feature that needs work, I get busy fixing and maintaining it. I will also most likely have a CB radio with me at all times incase of any incidents that may occur. Finally I'm there for what we call PR or Public Relations, I promote everything in the park and I soak up YOUR ideas and try to mold those ideas into a better park. Any pointers or opinions will always be noticed and applied if nessicary. Hope that helped!
  3. If you know your local trail maps, this Post is regarding this years Park at Shawnee Mountain located on the Bushkill Trail (serviced by Lift F). I just got word today that Shawnee will continue to make snow in the park until Wednesday. Sometime Wed. the trail will be cut into its trail form. Early Thursday morning, I report back to work (finally) to begin construction. Depending on how much snow is made from today through Wednesday, will determine the number of features that will be ready to go. I'm optimistic that the possibility of a full park opening, could happen for opening day Friday December 9th. I will recieve more in depth details tommorow about snow coverage and opening dates/times.
  4. Well I know I'll be there friday, and saturday, and sunday... and come to think of it, whenever everyone is trapped at school or at work, hell I'll be there! sorry... I had to rub it in.
  5. I would like to take a trip down to BC this year, lemme know when the park is fully open.
  6. December 5th we could be looking at a snow storm. I was at home today and I checked up everyones forecast and there all the same. I dont want to jynx it, but good thing i dont believe in that garbage anyway. LET IT SNOW BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  7. I haven't been to work in about 2 weeks only because I'm not really needed until construction begins on the park. I should be headed back sometime next week for the building of the park which should open within the next 2 weeks. As for this weekend... I believe they have a good amount of whales left over that made it through all the rain, but it will all depend on thursday and friday snowmaking. I honestly don't see it happening, but then again you never know. The temps are going to stay cold from now on, at least in the 15 day forecast, so snowmaking shouldn't be a problem. Pray something opens.
  8. That quote is really old man lol, i have the job... but thanks anyway . Im always down for hearing ideas. We are actually bringing in a guy from sunday river to help with the initial construction which we hope to begin sometime next week. The setups will be good this year. I think this season will be one of the best yet.
  9. Plywood will never get stuck in your base, thats next to impossible due to the angle of the wall. I don't see it chipping at all this season considering it will have a good layer of paint on there as well. Its actually one solid sheet of wood, not bits glued together the way you might be thinking. I have personally rode plywood and its really not bad at all. No worries! ( and if it does get bad by some circumstance... I'll be the first to screw in some new plexi!... And you can quote me )
  10. Its at creek so Im def there, il be up there at 7:59!
  11. diddo
  12. Prolly the funniest video ive ever seen. Just some of the shit you were doing on there was hilarious
  13. parkrider and I are def there along with alot of our freinds
  14. na man you will have more than 3-4 feet of wall, id say a good 6' of wall to slide (which still isn't big). The thing is is that since ill be there to fix the base of the wallride we will have better maintained transitions. It's gonna be crazy, and if i see hiking going on for the wall (which is almost a definate) ill just chill with everyone until it gets shitty, then Ill fix it up for everyone... 7' is not hard to work with, 16' like creeks with a 10' tranny.... you need cats to do that work!
  15. i can't believe how much they made, in so little time... there was next to nothing there when i looked last night. this is good.
  16. I was told by a couple of park crew that they are most likely going to change up that setup and have an actual run of jibs, setup. It will basically be who can make the most technical run with out doing the same trick twice... idk if i'll be heading up, its a far drive for me... a little over 2hrs and I hate crowds... plus I may hafta work so who knows.
  17. My feeling is saturday or possibly sunday, I haven't been to work in about a week so I can't say for sure, but tonight through the rest of this week will be amaizing for snowmaking... I'm sure they will pull something off.
  18. It's gonna be close, I feel pretty confident though that with these upcoming low temps in the teens/20's that someone is gonna open this weekend.
  19. anyone have any video or pics from sunday, november 20th from belleayre? Video would be very nice!
  20. yea i rode hunter yesterday, we stormed the bottom trail too (my crew and I) we also put together that kicker on the side of 7th/hellgate by the big snowguns, would have been a good time if we didnt have a choppy landing... i love how hunters ski patrol lets u set anything up as long as u got bamboo sticks and ask permission they almost always let you hit something if you are out of the way. i had a good time.
  21. I finally met up with steeze and nipples for the first time, parkrider and I basically chilled in the jib park for the whole day. We met some cool people and just shredded all day, perfect second day out...
  22. Anyone head to Hunter today?
  23. Im heading up to belleayre tommorow, sunday. They might have some rails set up for tommorow which Im very excited for so if anyone has any info on the rails, reply!
  24. na man, creek is my home... i just got a job at another mountain lol
  25. Look what I found when I went to pick up my paycheck... Read this... http://shawneemt.com/mtninfo/snowreport.html
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