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BC Iron Works

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Everything posted by BC Iron Works

  1. unfortunitely, every morning i get up and feel old lol, my past 18 years of racing and jibbing not even mentioning all the biking has taken a toll, lol were not old were young at heart, but were getting up there in Freeskiing scene lol
  2. Bears big park is hardly ever crowded, lift lines are almost always short, and the scene goes off, Im the TP manager there and i gotta say this season will take everyones image of bear from great to spectacular, and age wise, most of our scene is getting to be older guys know, ill be 22 in winter and alot of others are in the 20s, youll prolly feel ryte at home, not to mention come up when it dumps at bear, its incredible how it always snows so much on the mtn even if its only calling for a lil bit, i guess its the whole bowl idea, its always deep and if you follow tracks off trail, mostly triple side and near sasquatch theres some tech lines and snow just gets deep in there! Eitherway, theres a ton of good times to be had at Bear, if anything id say avoid blue for ice and lift lines from hell but thats just me, either way GO BC CREW lol
  3. hmm good question, im not sure, ill either be wearing a t shirt towards the fs movement, like siver or something, im bigger then most park rats, 6 ft 2 pretty muscular, and im usually loud! it prolly wont be hard to find me if im there, ask someone one who works there, Like Mary (Bear Creek chick) or Mark Shrotel, if im around theyll point me out and ill be glad to chat wit anyone, most likely thought unless rails are pulled out of the garage you wont see them til ur next stop by BEar! idunno, keep an eye out for a big guy talking nuffing but terrain park, its prolly me and im sure everyone will be asking me 10,000 questions lol, but im all for it, im just as stoked as everyone else, i just have some of the head aches during the season lol
  4. word cant please everyone all the time
  5. were already ahead of you wit the Shanghai six pic, were talking about that, though it will prolly be a contest feature, maybe a regular feature its hard to say im hoping by the fall festival theyll be sitting out side, or at least the u box, umm, hard to say cuz our main welder goes out and helps some other places and hes been getting taken away from the importants stuff, jibs lol, id like to go up and weld them up myself but im a vehicle person during summer and cant realy break away other then to oversee and paint some stuff, but yea man if im not working i can get ya in the shop if theres something cool to see, i hope that there will be a lot done by then maybe not the huge box
  6. yea thats basically 48 ft long is the plan and thats a opener too it will be done prolly by mid next week the large box is being built the another whale tail like feature thats 13
  7. Obviously, we all know how to build parks up here, but were looking for some ideas, were always open to change and feel its usually for the better, I can tell you now PArk B will remain the same wit changing rails and hits, due to terrain it has really worked out well in the past, Channel gaps and various other hits as well as a large step up in the middle will most likely be what youll see, but im interested to hear if anyone else has ideas, Brad from lifts suggests a man made cliff wit hit on top, and what not. Even if you make a suggestion on here and dont see it at opening dont get all worried we didnt listen, We will be changing the park roughly every 2 weeks during the season, and we need all your ideas for those late, long, and super cold nites! Thanx Andy
  8. I will be there hoping to bring some people and a person to film
  9. We ordered like a 40 ft rainbow box and a huge s box that the helix in the middle was so off it wasnt rideable, we ended up turning them into c boxes, but yea they were all bent from just the ride out and now there building us a 60 ft rollercoaster box and 13 ft dragontail, for the price of materials to make it up to us for last year, but i just think there rails could be built so much better, ill post some pics of the ones were building in shop soon, Seriously man, im layed back and carefree, this aint no war against anyone, i just said how i felt, and thats all, i dont want people hating on me for my veiw points, i mean yea were all good, if you seen some of the problems ud understand more of where i was coming from thats all!
  10. the prinicple behind the planet stuff is good, the sliding surface is for the most part, but when the things are bent before they ever get to the mountain and how weak they athat you have to rebuild the whole structure to use them its not good at all if youd see these rails youd understand, you can damn near bend them with two people pushing on them, Whatever its a buisness and its all good if you dont like what i think, i just know that were not very impressed at all
  11. the prinicple behind the planet stuff is good, the sliding surface is for the most part, but when the things are bent before they ever get to the mountain and how weak they athat you have to rebuild the whole structure to use them its not good at all if youd see these rails youd understand, you can damn near bend them with two people pushing on them, Whatever its a buisness and its all good if you dont like what i think, i just know that were not very impressed at all
  12. Just to update you over here in Psar, the Rainbow is done, that should be assembled and painted monday so ill have some new pics, its been severily beasted up, unlike the planet snow tools junk, its really impressive, and as well today we started bending he steel for the upside downrainbow u box, only problem is how we will move it or even get it out of the welding shop, looks like the tentative length on that bad boy will be aorund 48 foot long, and at least 12 feet high in the starting gate, so its gunna take a lot of snow and alot of work but it should be impressive i cant wait to post these pics on here and on NS
  13. yo man i can help ya out a lil bit, but it doesnt sound like you have the budget to play the big game, and thats respectable that you can deal with the hands ur dealt but where you really need to push to upper management is Crew members, thats not a one man job, i know im heading up prolly at least 10 people if not more down at bear, but yea id love to see an improvement, i was up for a comp at the end of the year and i was very very disappointed, but hey ill spare ya the story, but if you want some pointers or anything message me well talk a wee bit
  14. pay issues im not 100% sure but im sure its like 8 to 9 dollars, plus youget paid for all the time ur on the snow, which can make you 7 monthsof money in 3 if you there like i will be, but yea anywho, im andy, any other questions just lemme know, im gunna try to help anyone out, just come in wit a clear head and an aim to have some fun at a job!
  15. Park Crew jobs, there is a few positions open, very limited, Team work a must, 18 n older, 20s a +, reliable, responsible and self motivated! Come out to the job fair on the 16th and talk to me see if its for you, Be involved with what will be the best park crew on the east coast this year, cya there
  16. word
  17. yeo im here, i can see most of it was posted already i just wasnt fast enuff, but yea any questions ill check back as often as i can, but its gunna be hog wild
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