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mostlysamkelley's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. yes the barley is a 130' degree or around there, but Capitol K is a 200ish' spin to switch feeble to fakie.
  2. a barley is exactly what parkrider said it is, a swtich smith but if you want to get technical it is a frontside 130' to swtich smith, not a trick done in a switch feeble position. so here is anidea, go to your mountian and stomp the trick that you and your friends have never done or thought about doing. recieve props and make sure to come out fakie ! no 270 just fakie, then rejoice because you just stomped a Capital K slide born in pike county pa! spread it like wildfire. about the name thing, people call it a hot garbage slide or a rodeo flip, if there werent names appropriate for these tricks you would just say "yeah man i did some.....thing, onto the pipe in the ground that is bent all funny and then hit the mass of snow and went squirly". see my point names are a necassary thing, just spread it! it is a hard trick! but fun!
  3. cool air blaster... Cheater, there is a reason they banned them from competitions. Instead of going snowboarding today, guys... Lets grab dads jeep and go to the mall and shop.
  4. dude that looks like you had some fun building it steel 2x4s are expensive though right? but i like it. it is an ideal skate rails due to its height and length.... i did it man and appreciate the photo.
  5. i ride both and you want to know why guys? it is because kids that ride rails with the dominant destroy there edges anyway right? in my opinion they ride the same.... you can slip on ice and it can be dangeroud but if you work your edges with the file it is the same effect anyway. i love the slick i beat it to death and at mountain is springi jib rocks haha alright thanks for reading..... i love dominants
  6. both of you guys steeze and allian. just give me your sn okay? then wwe can talk about the reallly imp ortant things like transportation of these obstacles that i can make.
  7. by the way if anyone has pics of stuff they have made or weldedi want you to post them... show people . because it is encouraging and awesome.
  8. allian boarder... your sn .. not vt mark... haha sorry line ski
  9. give me your sn and we can talk.
  10. by the way line ski, i ride in PA andi didnt mean i make better stuff then mountains i mean i will build it CHEAPER AND SELL CHEAPER than their delaers would in a million years....... i didnt mean disrespect to the mountains that even i go to. im talking backyard sick jibs thats all.
  11. pasucks what is your problem have you ever tried to buy a rail, im not selleing drugs. your name is pa sucks so get off the web site.! its called PA SKI AND RIDE! shocker huh brah? vt marks is going to be 1 foot tall and decent width on the top but that isnt my project..... and dude 2 feet on top is really wide, i recommend downsizing (for price reason)... but its cool.
  12. i need dimensions like height but rails go for anywhere depending on pipe size like 2 inch etc. i can make and sell rails good and cheaper than boxes like 100........ keep in mind i will build it howecer you want to your specs.
  13. http://garagecreation.tripod.com i will build anything you want (within reason) cheaper and better than anywhere else guaranteed. its simple i snowboard and i know what you guys want!
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