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  1. Golf course's that pull water from their own retention pond can be put on water restrictions in a drought emergency, I have seen that happen in the past. But as JL said, the ski resorts could possibly get an exemption, due to the fact that it would have a severe effect on the local economies.
  2. As we all know PA ski resorts rely heavily on snowmaking. How will the severe drought conditions and water restrictions effect ski resorts ability to make snow? https://wheb.iheart.com/featured/lend-a-helping-can/content/2024-11-06-pocono-mountains-region-under-drought-watch/ Quotes from article above: "The Pocono Mountains have been placed under a Drought Watch by the state's Drought Task Force." "If conditions worsen and the state declares a Drought Emergency, voluntary water restrictions will become mandatory."
  3. paxonpro

    CB 01/13

    They also used to have a nice bar/restaurant on the bottom floor of the top lodge.
  4. thanks guys! i'll be up there on Saturday.
  5. I'm thinking about heading up to JF from Philly this weekend, but i am a little concerned about snow conditions with all the rain we have been getting It says on website they are 100% open and got email saying they will be blowing snow. can anyone who has been up there recently provide a conditions report? Thanks in advance!
  6. FYI..... I had three tickets unused from last year and was able to get a $75 credit for purchase this year.
  7. I have spent alot of days at JF in recent years. It is a good place for families with young kids, we have never waited in a lift line. The only place that gets extremely crowded on busy weekends is the Lodge, it can be a mad house. I have seen heated arguments over tables. Mainly people thinking they can save a table by placing all of their gear on it. The main thing that is needed is an alternative lodge on the Mt.
  8. any unused ticket vouchers can be sent back and you will receive a credit for future purchases through CBS deals
  9. I heard that last year you could get a refund for any unused tickets. i think that PA Law does not allow them to keep your $ if you do not use the ticket.
  10. https://www.livingsocial.com/deals/1044111-adult-or-kids-lift-ticket-on-weekday-or-weekend?index=1 went up to Montage last sunday for the first time and was really impressed with the mountain. although the lodge was crowded b/c of pres. weekend, lifts on bottom had virtually no lines. some of the locals said it was the busiest day they have ever seen! see link above for 50% off tickets I will definitely be going back
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  11. I did see some home rentals at the hideout, how far is the drive to elk from the Lake Ariel? we already have hit boulder, frost, cb, blue, alpine, and shawnee day trips from tannersville area may be the best way to hit Elk & Montage, but i will also look into chets for a one night stay.
  12. thanks for the info! I did not know about the airbnb.com site which has some good stuff. we have a place to stay near JFBB and go there often. The kids were interested in spending a weekend at some places they don't get to often. it seems like a lot more limited selection for home rentals near scranton and areas north. still looking for weekend home rental towards the end of feb.
  13. Looking for a house rental in this area for a three day weekend in Feb. (dates are flexible) Hoping for 3-5 bedrooms with at least two baths We are planning on skiing both Elk and Montage on this trip. I have a 4th and 5th grader both with the ski PA pass. We are trying to hit as many PA resorts as we can. I have not seen many house rentals in the area north of scranton on any of the popular websites (VRBO, Homeaway) Just hoping someone here might have some inside info. Thank you in advance for info you can provide!
  14. paxonpro

    House Rental

    Looking for a house rental in the Elk mt. area for a three day weekend in Feb. (dates are flexible) Hoping for 3-5 bedrooms with at least two baths We are planning on skiing Elk and Montage on this trip. I have a 4th and 5th grader both with the ski PA pass. We are trying to hit as many PA resorts as we can. I have looked at ELK's website which does list several home rentals and also VRBO. Just hoping someone here might have some inside info. Thank you in advance for info you can provide!
  15. This is good news! I wish the new owners much success. I was there with my young kids a couple of years ago. Great family atmosphere and BYOB Lodge. kids were able to participate in races with medals awarded after in the lodge. The kids still talk about how much fun they had at Alpine Mt. that day.
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