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Everything posted by AgentRider21

  1. how much for a 158 agent DH?
  2. i am getting an unlimited pass and will be there 3-4 times a week and riding the park the whole time
  3. yeah what is this the 90s again? A lot of the time i skiers and i dont mind it at all sometimes its even better. It matter if you ski or snowboard get over it.
  4. New summer website for bear like mark said. I think its looks good, i cant wait to see the new winter one.
  5. yeah i heard that too. Im pretty sure its happening as theprogram said at the triple
  6. 1. the jump line in the tubbing park or the set of three big jumps in the big park 2.their is no real features i hated, the triangle box i guess 3. Step up jumps and a stair case set up 4. largest 45+,Medium 15-40ft, Small 10ft 5. Better lighting in the park, a couple more flat bars like 4-5 inches wide, overall you guys do a great job.
  7. the roller coaster you mean?
  8. yeah i agree with you on that i would have been so much nicer. the j rail was the biggest joke
  9. 50 maybe alittle more, alot more next season tho
  10. yeah i wish i could go but im down OBX skiming
  11. yeah im a sr at np ill be around next year at bear cause im going to PSU abington
  12. yeah i agree with you toast a couple boxes/flatbars set up in a row beats any sculptures. you can work on tricks and have fun that way
  13. LTDsnowboarder do you go to north penn?
  14. I would go with snowbird i went there and loved it
  15. papa its north penn high school i was only kidding. Their has always been some competiton agiasnt Np and Pennridge
  16. yeah you would take a shot at Np .but anyway i thought i remember in one of the fourms a bc rep saying moving the tubing this year would not happend.
  17. Im in bozeman right now and will be up at big sky tommrow. They have a snow waring out for 8-16 inches. So im excited i will try and post some pics from tommrow.
  18. yeah i know what you mean, today their was a big blood stain/ patch in the snow. someone ate it
  19. didnt you already post this? it confused me cause this is the bear forum
  20. i must have been eating lunch casue i was in the park the whole day
  21. they used to do it like 3 years ago i think . i heard their was a law suit with the neighboors tho i dont know if thats true.
  22. yeah you guys i think are thinking of the y rail at the bottom, they set up a new j type of rail/box on the first jump at the top of big bear that was not there yesterday
  23. yeah tell me about it i didnt land anything etheir today
  24. yeah everything was ice today it sucked, yesterday was so much better. did any one do that j rail?
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