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About shredFAND

  • Birthday December 27

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Smokin’ Team ATX w/Burton Malavita, Arbor Woodie 163w w/ Union SuperPros, Arbor X Rogue Status 155 w/ Burton Cartels
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Blue Mountain

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chester County
  • Interests
    Snowboarding, motocross, Harleys, hockey, mixed martial arts, women, fast cars, glocks, guitars, listening and making HEAVY music, hanging with friends.

shredFAND's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. White lightning and Boomer were fantastic at Montage. I was there Saturday night and Sunday all day. I always stay over that weekend because of the parade and fireworks on the mountain.
  2. No, he is not the only one that skis Shawnee. Some of us that use PASR aren't confined to just one Pa. mountain.
  3. I have a couple of questions for PASR skiers. I recently got a used pair of Fischer RC4 SC skis with Salomon s912 bindings. My first question is: Are most or all downhill ski boots compatible with these type of bindings? My second question is: Should I get a pair of Salomon brand boots? I plan on buying used boots and don't want to spend alot of money because I plan on skiing once in a while with my skier friends, but I am a snowboarder at heart. Any information anyone can give will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Check the 1st restriction under this "deal". It says 2 adult 8 hour EZ slope lift tickets. this might be a different deal on the same website.
  5. Blue tonight, Elk on Saturday, and Montage on Sunday! Finally a whole weekend of boardind! YES! Next week will be the same!
  6. Radio station 93.3 WMMR has a deal right now for JFBB lift tickets at 50% off (27.50) for an adult lift ticket good for weekdays or weekends. The promotion ends Sunday, I think. Check WMMR's website for details!
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  7. As crowded as it was, if you knew how to maneuver through the lines at the quad lift, you were back up the hill in less than 10 minutes or less. The only time I used the 6, it was 15 minutes in line.
  8. Damn, and I thought Blue mountain was crowded for a Monday! I was going to take my kids to BC. Now I'm glad I decided to be selfish and go to Blue Mountain alone instead.
  9. Funny that someone is asking about identifying PASR's. I was at Blue on Sunday night and every one I saw on the mountain late 20's and over, I thought, hmmm, wonder if that guys a PASR.
  10. Any snowmaking going on on Upper Sidewinder?
  11. How do they attach you to a groomer?
  12. Isn't Blue Mountain blowing extra snow just for me? You said it GSS(Doug).
  13. I just want to ride Blue Mountain. Didn't mean to interrupt your little click you have on PASR. Do I need to run a post by you first? Is that how this works?
  14. How old are you?
  15. Please get some snow on the mountain! Last season I was boarding before December at Blue! This season, my first opportunity to shred looks like its going to be Jack Frost and WMMR's day off at the slopes. I am going though serious withdraw!
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