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  • Equipment
    Board: Never Summer - Primier T5 Burton - Splitboard and Fish Tele: K2 - Totally Piste Alpine: Solomon - Crossmax and 1080's
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    Skier & Snowboarder
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  • Location
    Hunter, NY

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Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. I don't give a fuck anymore actually.. I only supported Hunter after everyone was accusing Hunter of being negligent in the skier deaths this year..
  2. I have NEVER even come close to that guy... I've seen him... I know him.. He's fast and a bit of a dick... But these people just don't quit with this shit.. Hunter is awesome.. If you can't handle it - you probably suck...
  3. Even the people I thought were cool once are now total dicks.. I step away from the "ski crowd" more and more each year.. Bunch of entitled douchenozzles... Half the fucking board is infatuated with a guy that skis fast and known as "blueboy".. Half the board sucks at skiing and can't stay out of the way or people and bitches about terrain they can't handle... I only jump on occasionally..
  4. I'm hoping for legalization in NY soon.. they are doing it right I think... Legislation instead of voting.. Lot's of states weren't ready for legalization and it took a while to get it all up and running because they had to create laws after the voting. NY is going to take care of that up front including expunging records of people who had been busted...
  5. I need NYC to make $$$... We are thinking about retiring to Costa Rica actually...
  6. My goal is to pay off my house and buy a piece of property on the top of a mountain either in the Catskills or the DAKs..
  7. It's OK... Farmhouse is cool... Lot's of space - recording studio setup.. Fuck the posers on the hill.. hahah.. All I really do is ride now - I don't socialize like I used to.
  8. Japan next year.. Stoked...
  9. Split up with my Ex... She got the AFrame - I got the Farmhouse on the creek that we were selling.. It's close to the new Northside parking area... I'd rather not be on Colonels Chair - the houses are too close. Why live in the hills if you got a neighbor staring at you.. haha
  10. Since my friends started running Camelback I've been interested in the Poconos again. Also my nephew and niece ride Blue a lot.. And I'm still schilling for Hunter. My house has increased in value since the new terrain was built and people are actually driving through the village. Thinking of some business opportunities so I can quit the corporate world and start my next phase in life.
  11. Doubtful.. Getting the Kayak ready. And I'm not sure about parking at the new parking area. May get some shit.. :)
  12. thanks... I always pop in pre and post season here... My roots are kind of PA - and my buddy from Hunter runs Camelback now - so I'll hit it next season.. Hunter North still has a shitton of snow... it's crazy.
  13. I love the new terrain.. It's 2 minutes from my house so it's a game changer. Can slip out for lunch and make turns which is awesome. I rode it a ton last winter. Hardly anybody there when the front face has a crowd.. Is it a little about intermediate? Maybe.. But I like it... Sucks people died. I know the patroller that was attending on all of them. Sucks for him too.. Some video I took for the AZone people... Overlook - https://youtu.be/dnRDwaNjQfE Twilight - https://youtu.be/l5tu6mJFOmc
  14. I've skied the dome in Dubai.. It's pretty boring and larger then Xanadu is supposed to be.. If i could drink - it would've been better.. But it's tough to drink in an Islamic country..
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