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Everything posted by clashboy
yah ill be at mayday in MY car. fuck you ttc6. i just fucking hate you and your pussy antics. in true Ski fashion, i challenge your fucking self to a chinese downhill next year on WL. thats right, fuck you bitch. with love, clash
fuck ttc 6 or whatever the fuck it is. get the fruck out of this message board and leave everyone alone
haha i just wanna piss em all off again. it just shows how gay old people are
feel free to bitch about sno mountain and all of its elements ("people" include). haha fuck sno mountain
haha it does suck and im not gonna fight you online. i got studying to do so i can make some money one day and ski some real mountains. haha fuck sno and you to
all you guys are really big bitches. make due with what you got and don't hate on someone else for their opinion. everyone has the right to free speech so don't be a dick about someone elses comment. haha this site sucks because you all blow a big one on eachother. haha im outta here so don't even bother flaming later on- you all suck dick so you have no right to even say a word back to me. P.S. Ski- you seem like a good skier and all but sno sucks haha so go pull up my old posts again and be a big tough guy. Rob- go away- no one likes you bitch tits. haha like that first edit i believe from Nick? says "Fuck Sno Mountain and all its bitches" to seanyj- kill it son im out :naughty :naughty
if you wanna ride the trees at elk you gotta do it behind the patrollers back. it makes ducking the ropes even more fun and also keeps the good stuff from getting skied out. be thankful that the policy is the way it is at elk because it does keep those who shouldnt be out of bounds, in bounds. if you don't like elks policies, don't go there and stop complaining about it. why make a big deal over nothing. go wear your backpack and ride in the woods out west wear if you do hit a tree, no one will find you for a long tim (if you dont have a beaker). just my two cents, take it how you please.
ski- how big are these glades? and just wondering from all of you that have ridden sno for years now- are there any wood spots to ride at sno? i hear there are some off of the runaway or fast track but don't quote me on that.
ik i sound like quite the hyporcrite, but those comments were before finacial and family problems struck. you'd be amzed how fast you would change were u were skiing at when saving 300 bucks on a pass is a possibility. i would rather riding sno then not riding anywhere just curoius though, y would you look up what i wrote a few months ago? you have to much time on your hands
im really starting to get pissed with sno. they need to realize that not everyone is a park person. i wanna ride some other stuff and im getting sick of every trail being the same. what they have to open is by the far the best terrain (fun wise) IMO. im so going back to elk next year, sno sucks big ones right now
have any new trails been opened up with all of the snow being blown over the past few days ( besides last night)? im kinda getting sick of whats open and i really want fast track and runaway to open. sno invested all of this money into a snow system and nothings open. i miss elk now
everyone needs to stop talking shit over the internet. you people are fucking insane on trying to out do each other with insults. this a board to talk about riding not to prove how big your balls are( even though talking shit over the internet actually makes your nuts look like a fucking cashew). seriously everyone shutup and just go ski. and get out of this forum if you've never even skiied sno-your opinion is worthless
can someone please delete this "clan" and all its members from pasr please. i think this 18y.o. needs to put down the halo and take a step into the real world. and seriously wtf is up with that name. get another name at the mininum here. also get a little better at life, and then maybe come back in a few years. actually scratch that, dont ever come back onto this site ever again!
looks like "valentines day" is coming a little early this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ill be up at 8 with some of my buddies!
shit man, thats friggin awesome. ahah im used to elk being a bitch with night skiing and not opening it until a month after they open up.
all this snow is making me so pumped for this weekend. what are the hours for saturday and sunday? and i know this is a little bit of a strecth but, when is night skiing gonna start happening?
i went up today with a friend of mine and we had a blast. yes the lift lines were longer than normal but if u take the singles line, it takes 50 percent off the wait. We mostly did the woods on wissahickon, lenape, and tecumseh-chippewa today. It got a little icy towards 2 in some spots but other than that it was perfect. I did have way to many close calls with those damn kids that r two feet tall and stop suddenly. Dont you just love how the person who wasnt in control always thinks its your fault when theres a near collision....
you wanted a trip report so here it is: Thursday Febuary 15th- Sickest day ever This had to be the best day ive ever ridden. I got there around 12 because the roads were a little messy yet and i almost shat myself to find no one there. You could go all the way to the top in your car thats how empty it was. Anyways l i did the cliff on mahican my first run, then to wissahickon woods. For the rest of the day i did kickapoo, to tecumseh, to chippewa, to wyalusing all in one run. I stayed in the woods the whole day and i found many pow stashes and little drops to do. The whole mountain was ungroomed and was amazing. The snow was a little slow and i got my board stuck a few times in powder drifts but otherwise it was very fun. I reccomend doing the cliff on mahican b/c it is so f'n fun. Just watch out for patrollers when in the woods at elk cause they are little bitches about riding off trails. Anyways enjoy your time there, this is going to be the best week there so take advantage of it!!!!! :wiggle
i am a pass holder there, possibly heading up today. elk is abs. the most amazing mtn in pa terrain wise. the park is very tiny but the bumps and snow is amazing. this weekend will probably be crowded but its worth the wait. come to elk....u will not be dissapointed.