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Everything posted by Dave_S

  1. Just a bit older than that! It would be a problem if I had to wait for my 71 year old father to sign my paperwork! I am flattered by your impressions of my age. Also I thought the guy in the avatar looks kinda old - for a cartoon. All went smooth - just as Papa said all they needed was my name and signature. no line no fuss.
  2. I am heading up to CB just as soon as I get the kids off to school. I plan on staying only a few hours as I have other choirs to do. I will let you know if the limited terrain and opening day crowds combine to make it a worthwhile trip.
  3. Thanks man!
  4. I am a first time pass holder and I have not yet picked it up. I have a few questions: CB is about an hour drive for me I would rather pick it up before skiing but I am not sure if it warrents a special trip up just to get the pass How long does it take? Can I pick it up before the lifts open? What kind of documentation (email confirmation of the order?) must I bring to confirm the purchase? will i waste a lot of time that could be used skiing if i try and do this on Friday? Thanks in advance for the help.
  5. Friday - if I get time out of work Sunday - if they stay opened
  6. No one does but I was just pointing out the facts. What i said was true.
  7. Are either of these still around?
  8. I simply stated that the spam was so out of had that i no longer find the board "safe" for my kids and that is did not speak well for CB. nothing more specific than that.
  9. Hard to turn an ocean liner. but if they did come around you would have to admit that would be a display of hope. I respect your opinion but I will try to be optimistic. My time spent at CB last year was an improvement upon the previous years so i will remain hopeful.
  10. No doubt - but it would show that there is hope! and that they are not afraid of change to gain improvement. But lets wait and see first!
  11. On the subject of spam CB
  12. to be honest - I think it is a logistics issue with CB not opening until they have more trails open. if they don't have coverage on the connecting trails then the skiing is so very limited that the snow will be over-skied very quickly - not to mention only one lift in operation. they needed have many trails opened just because they need them so as to be able to service the mountain from the big lifts. not to mention that I think they have a little bit of a hard time putting coverage down in the base area in the earlier days. it is just a guess but it is possible.
  13. You guys do just a fantastic job! Looking at another board just proves that!
  14. Dave_S


    I see that now - my bad! But what a shame!
  15. Aside from the obvious fact that Camelback could make their life a lot easier if they would just link to this site, how hard is it for you guys to keep all the crap off of the board? Also any thoughts as to why Camelback is having such a difficult time of it? Their board is in such bad shape so often and you never seem to have the same kind of trouble ( knock wood). I am just trying to figure out what has gone wrong on the other side. They keep on claiming that they are trying to work out a solution but i only see the problem getting worse. Just thought I would ask.
  16. Dave_S


    I like that idea! I hope "time to time" one of the "various locations" is the park: "The Camelback SnowCam is located atop the Administration Building, overlooking the base area at Camelback. From time to time we will be positioning the Cam on various locations on the mountain." This is the claim - lets hope they do move it around the mountain. Maybe the part they had been waiting for was a dolly so that it could be moved! I am going to guess that once the park is up and operational they will focus the camera there from "time to time". It makes sense from a Marketing point of view. Why not showcase the biggest investment you have made over the last year. If i were handling their marketing i would show the pipe cutter in action as it makes the first cuts and post to the Web page when people should "tune in" to watch. I would use this tool to get everyone excited for opening day. Once opened what better way to tell people about how much fun you can have then to show folks showing off in the park! Watching people coming in from the slopes at the last part of the run is not that exciting. They should consider moving it to the top of Cameltop and pointing it down one of the front four. Maybe showcasing a bump run. Basically produce it like you were covering the X-games or something. Big productions will help everyone to know what has changed. The next step would be to clip together some nice footage and build a montage to be posted on the web. But then again they might need a Mac to do that and we would have to wait for that to "come in".
  17. Dave_S


    Just as a point of information the WebCam is back on line.
  18. I know that I do. I get drawn in around September and stay active until early April. In between I am concentrating on the bike ridding. Not that I am a "fair" weather friend but it is just that my passions run with the seasons.
  19. I guess it is a control thing - but things look out of control on the other side!
  20. That is funny! Karma
  21. How ironic would that be!
  22. This is great news - I guess I have to go up and get my pass soon! how soon can I do that?
  23. That is disappointing but it is cool to see how many people are excited by the chance that it might have happened.
  24. Dave_S

    Kiss Sues Line..

    I think so! It has been a long time since they put out any music and the lifestyle of a rock star burns through money very fast. Isn't one of the members doing some kind of reality TV?
  25. Isn't that where the Glen lodge hub bub? were they not closing that down to expand and turn it into something else. Is this the same thing? I think that another hotel will change the face of the mountain. personally i like the idea of condos slope side to mountains. It adds value and makes the ability to ski and stay easy. But when you add a resort complex you are just adding people with no payback. The great wolf is already adding people to the mix but because they have something else to offer it keeps the crowd in check. Personaly I think if they are going to add more people to the moutain they have some work to do on the trails and the flow to keep from some parts getting over used durring the season. areas with the sharp turns (JC) turn into iced over bottle necks that force beginers through. If they do not fix traffic flow in these areas and they add people they will have many more injuries. I hate skiing anywhere near that part of the moutain but if you want to work across sides you must filter in some time. I am also afraid with the new restricted park, traffic flow may be further compromised. We will have to wait and see but I think something should be done to move traffic along in the mid part of this mountain.
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