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Everything posted by lastduchess113

  1. Wouldn't you like to know.
  2. That's our goal Doug, that's our goal. We have a reputation as loud, obnoxious girls with no scruples. We have a reputation to hold up. Some of us do it better than others. I for one, would never change in a parking lot. At least not without underwear on. But Doug, have you considered that maybe you are a prude, and it's not just the Jersey girls?
  3. Metz- of course we bring 'em up right in Jersey. We're not called Dirty Jerz for nothin! I missed the show, though I'm not really all that disappointed. Must agree with your picks for Marjie's and Cliffy. I don't know how it is that I keep not catching up with you guys up there. I'll have to do better next time. If nothing else, a lift ride up sounds interesting with you guys.
  4. A month? Damn Boy.
  5. Other things too? C'mon, spill it boy.
  6. You know Metz, you only live 35 minutes north of me, but somehow you get up there a whole lot more than I do, and it makes me jealous.
  7. Being two hours away and not able to ski on the weekdays sucks.
  8. Serious tossup between King Tut and Big Pocono Run. Both kinda short, but for some reason I love the feeling on them.
  9. I'm a Camelback season pass holder, and I completely agree with their decision. I want them to exist in the future, not be out of business because they were paying lifties to watch empty chairs, instructors to mess around, and the people in the lodge to stare at each other. As far as the people that drove two hours up. I am one of the people that has a two hour drive. And you know what, every morning (or afternoon) before I leave, I glance at the website to see what they've got open, and if the weather reports look remotely sketch I call them and say hey, I've got a two hour ride up there, what's going on for the day. And they're really really honest with you. If it's looking like they're shutting down the east side, they tell you that, if the quads are not going to be running, they tell you that. Everyone has the same opportunity to do so. And Doug, I'm all about constructive criticism, but you take it too far. Could CB have stayed open? Probably. Would it have been productive on here to list reasons they should have, or could have? Yes. Does saying "I tell everybody I see how much Camelback sucks for closing due to freezing rain and no people..." make you sound like an overgrown five year old who's mad at his best friend for taking the best candy? Definitely. When you have something constructive to say about CB like most of the other posts in this thread were designed for, feel free to post back over here. But you're just posting to post, and it just gets annoying.
  10. I was up there Saturday night, and the actual conditions on the trails weren't that bad. The wind was vicious though. We probably stood at the top of the Hump for about 10 minutes waiting for the wind to die down enough to be able to go anywhere. The wind was literally pushing you uphill at the same time that it was pelting 40 mph ice pellets at you. Needless to say that was our last run of the night. Too bad we couldn't make it home without getting in a car accident, but I guess you win some and you lose some.
  11. lastduchess113


    With any luck I'll see you guys up there. Leaving Jersey in rush hour isn't going to be fun, but we're hoping to be on the mountain by about 7 as well.
  12. I'm heading up on Saturday ( I know, I know, holiday weekend, big mistake). It's kindof a trial run, I'm looking for a new home mountain. (I think) I can't find the vertical for either mountain on their site anywhere. Anyone have a clue? That and how's the difficulty? There seems to be a lot of blue, but it's really all relative.
  13. It's a 2001 Saturn L200. Not exactly the prime target for skiers, so they don't waste their time with factory racks. Be a lot cheaper if they did though.
  14. Yeah, I haven't had to put drunk friends on top of my skis yet, but it'll probably happen this weekend, with four of us up there, and one of my back seats folded down.
  15. Basically, they hook into the door frame. Only they displace the door a little bit, which i think is causing the whistling. And I know thule's the best, but I'm not sure I have the money right now.
  16. lastduchess113

    Ski Racks

    I'm trying to put ski racks on my car, cause it's starting to get really annoying to have to fold down my back seat every time I want to ski. My brother got me these sortof ghetto racks for Christmas (at least he tried) and when we put them on, they whistled till we hit about 55 mph, and then after that the noise from the wind resistance was absolutely deafening. Anybody have any suggestions on anything that I can get that isn't going to cost me a fortune?
  17. Looks like me and Capt'nmorganski will be up there most of the day, definitely till they close, probably leaving here about 7 or 8 which means getting there between 9 and 11.
  18. They were trying to cover their asses in case they opened something else. It says "up to 12 trails"
  19. How are we supposed to be getting 5-8 inches on the beach, and the mountains are only getting 2-4... I know, I know, it's a weather pattern thing, but I don't need it at home.
  20. Definitely ice, 20 mins on, 20 mins off for an hour, then wait an hour and start over. It can show up 36 hours later, because the pain is what happens when your neck stops trying to protect itself by tightening down.
  21. Definitely cold enough, I don't know what time they started, but they're making it now.
  22. Turkey Hill as in on the side of the ice cream containers? Or is there a Turkey Hill store in the area? I'm a good two hours away, so I've got nothing on that front.
  23. We are doing CB, I guess I just assumed. And yes, I know it's a long shot, but a girl can hope.
  24. A bunch of my friends and I had planned a ski trip for early January. Two of them just found out that their other roommate isn't going to be paying rent and so they need to cover things. This naturally pulls money tight enough for them that financing this trip is going to be near impossible. Does anyone know of any hidden discounts or coupons, or anything of that nature that can help alleviate these costs? Anything would be good at this point.
  25. I dunno what was up when you looked, but they're definitely making snow now.
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