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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. looking to sell this sucker.. brand new with the stickers still on it for about $200 obo.
  2. i rode with my penn state crew from 10-5.. talk about an awesome setup! park crew did a good job shaping halfway though the day too.. the jump line was awesome.. and i think they should make that side trail a park all year long!
  3. so this definitely works? im going up with my brother tomorrow who has one and just wanted to make sure
  4. the penn state snowboard club is having their trip to killington next weekend so there is easily 150 kids coming up with us
  5. i agree the big jump is just ridiculous right now.. its hard to get speed as is with the slush and the constant change of the snow.. hitting the big side is just asking for it!
  6. Here is an edit from saturday http://vimeo.com/3925227
  7. i think they plan on doing the snowtube park again
  8. it was down because they were making huge changes.. check it out now that its back up i had to register again so im guessing everyone will..
  9. the penn state snowboard club is having our spring trip to stowe this weekend as well.. i think there is a slight chance for some rain sunday but other then that ive heard it should be a real good weekend up there
  10. That was just a stupid little hit they had set up as a barrel bonk and they decided to remove the barrel and make it a backflip jump. The actual setup in Rhodo is pretty sick and alot of fun those were just the busters trying to get loose and get inverted hahaha
  11. Here is a thought... maybe its not just for camelback? how about that one buddy
  12. i love how there were like 20 kids hiking this thing hahaha when the rail line and actual jumps were so much better! Thanks for staying off the real hits! EDIT: Sick pics though man real good quality!!
  13. Common Grind is the shit good luck with all that Will!
  14. yeah i know i thought i put it under there.. my bad this old computer im on sucks
  15. I won this coat at a railjam and it is to big for me. It is a men's large the color is "grape purple" I wore it once for 2 runs to see if I liked it but it is way to big for me. I will try to upload a pic of me wearing it soon but I dont have the time right now. I am willing to part ways with the coat for only $75 or even a trade for another coat. If you are interested here is a link to the jacket http://www.special-blend.com/gear/210852/501
  16. No one can compete with big boulder..
  17. yeah i actually found it on itunes then and downloaded it.. its pretty sick i saw you guys at boulder sunday when i was up there.. or atleast i saw the kid in the bright orange/blue/yellow coat haha
  18. and the link isnt working for me either.. just takes me to the site saying vid cannot be found
  19. Its Ian.. the dude who is head of boulder's park
  20. my best friend had in integra stolen at mountain creek during the summer haha.. we heard an alarm go off while we were there and laughed cause it sounded like his.. then we came back and his car was gone.. so we had to ride 7 ppl in my small ass corrado
  21. that is comforting.. i leave for Tremblant on the 4th haha
  22. i got there yesterday around 1:30 and i thought it would be extremely crowded for how nice out it was, but when we pulled in the lot looked like it was a weekday. Pretty much rode crowd free all day and even ran into a few pasr's... Overall like you said the conditions were amazing and they stayed amazing all night long.. and the weather was great.
  23. the editing and film work is so sick.. now with better riding the edit would be more legit.. but the dude does have some serious skills.. if only he would come film the penn state crew
  24. damn i was close haha
  25. was it Terrance?
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