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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. the skiers are dope as hell on roundtop riders... the boarders on the team are not even close to the level that the skiers are at, the have sick skiers.. they just need to up the skills with their boarders thats all
  2. if you are talking about CB's flat down.. or should i say up down.. then no its not the picture that makes it look me, the thing is just big itself haha the biggest flat/down or up/down ive hit.. but that was mainly the only thing i liked about rhodo
  3. haha i second that
  4. haha yeah its like all of a sudden its just popping up in each thread
  5. yeah i didnt get it.. willy told me Kim would be there by 10 so i waited then at 10 lance told me she wasnt gonna get there til 11.. then after i took my bros pass and went through lance to get to the pipe he told me (this is 11:30) she would be there in 10 mins.. so i just showed him my bros pass and went through since i had to leave at 12-12:30 i couldnt wait around on this kim chick.. oh well it was a fun day other then that..
  6. haha the guys from that video work park crew at cb
  7. 2 jumps side by side with a gap in between..
  8. A couple pros and cons about rhodo.. PROS jumps were decent, the lipslide box thing was alright and the flat down box (up down) is sick.. i dont care what anyone says.. its a little scary at first but just grow some balls and its alot of fun.. CONS park opens at 9 and i was told i couldnt get my pass till 10, (i didnt have a problem waiting a little and warming up in the smaller park) i go back around 10 and some little shit whos checking passes gives me attitude and tells me the lady with the passes wont be there for another hour.. What resort decides to have park passes but doesnt have anyone workin there to give them out? that really pissed me off but i just used my little bros and everything was fine.. the jumps were all set up at step ups and the lips arnt to wide either.. not that great to spin.. overall it was a decent day... glad to say it was my first time at CB this year.. and my LAST BB here i come
  9. haha its not.. im just saying that there really isnt to many real sick kids there.. im not saying that im sick or anything special im just saying i really only see the same good kids and theres only like a handful of them
  10. i hear ya man.. there is only like a handful or really sick riders/skiers that i see there on a regualr basis thats it.. and those kids kill it but other then them everyone else is nothing special
  11. ill be at cb tomorrow to check out rhodo and the pipe
  12. soo.. Boulder Park - Sick Channel Gap - Up Slope Box from Widow -"Sum Other Jumps" - DFD at the bottom - Hike-able Park including: Sick FDF, straight wide rail and a picnic table sounds dope cant wait till tuesday to hit it up!!
  13. i was at boulder today and it was sick.. merry widow is a little smaller (jump wise) but still nice and freedom is still sick but i dont like the bottom boxes at all overall conditions were sick
  14. i was at BB last night and it was the best ive seen it all year
  15. ben birk man thanks for these shots.
  16. yeah and it could be a little more like a flat down
  17. i really think they should make the second box (on the step down) slope down and make it not as big of a drop
  18. haha yeah thought so.. everything was nice about both parks today BB park crew is doing a hell of a job... that was my last run i was getting worried about the roads and good thing i left then cause about 30 mins after i got back to school i looked outside and it was snowing so hard.. we got roughly 2.5 inches jared think i saw you in freedom park today if that was you haha you guys were workin on the last boxes and i 5'ed the last jump as you were walking up
  19. in merry widow or freedom? i swear when you are working i can never tell if its you or not haha
  20. method.. that pic is rediculous... and Papa as for boulder park i over heard the one guy on park crew saying that they are planning on putting in a huge channel gap!
  21. freedom is def sick.. i got up there at 3 and just rode freedom for a while since not to many people were in there. Just going from top to bottom non stop was the most fun ive had in that park.. making a sick run and working on nailing everything.. overall freedom is sick! merry widow is still sick.. the down hand rail is really nice, the first jump and the hips are nice and like someone else once said its nice seeing the park crew walking through the parks and raking alot.. i saw them 3 times on freedom within 3 hrs and twice on merry widow
  22. the first jump doesnt have a flat landing at all.. you just need the right amount of speed.. the second isnt to bad, and the third one def does not have a flat landing, no where close to being flat
  23. nice! if only i had the money to go to a bunch of differnt mountains.. oh well i guess ill stay at bb haha
  24. nice louie is sick as hell
  25. its updated on the site.. but they just didnt update the date.. thats all
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