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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. if you look at the pics does it look like 5-6ft walls??? haha
  2. im definitly going to skip class one tuesday to hit up bear for the 1st time.. just for the stair case!
  3. haha you must be left in the dark then.. go to www.bigboulderpark.com and read what Ian posted
  4. All im going to say is Camelback has a talented park crew, in which they are paid to keep up the park and set hits up. How can they do so when management wont allow them? They are paying these guys to half ass their job. LG is around the same length and width as Freedom Park at Big Bboulder and there is a HUGE difference! The park crew at BB is allowed to do their job to the best of their abilities, when CB's crew is not allowed to. All we are asking is to allow the PARK crew to take control over the park and allow them to make the best park possible for these conditions. If a mountain is already putting out the money for a park and a park crew they why half ass it? That would be the same as investing in bigger/better snow guns but never using them to their full potential.
  5. alright haha i wasnt sure i just wrote what the site said..
  6. yeah i just checked the weather and what not.. and im not heading up either now, i dont feel like freezing my ass off and being worried about it snowing and me not being able to get home, so BB ill see you next week
  7. they are talking about a small hike-able park infront of the Double Decker lodge.. and they said they are planning it out
  8. no prob dude.. and yeah i looked for the park office but wasnt sure where you were talking about, this is my first year ever going to BB so i have no idea where anything is.. other than the cafe and the ticket window haha
  9. haha yeah tuesday when i went up im pretty sure i saw you alll the time but was never sure if it was you or not until i got close or passed you haha you guys are doing a kickass job though
  10. whos all goin? ill be there with my roommate.. i plan on getting there around 3:30 look for me, gray puff jacket, anon goggles, black pinstripe pants.. burton dominant (last years) -steve
  11. maybe he just wanted to throw together a quick edit to show ppl who Sno has to offer right now? and didnt put a whole lot of effort into it at all
  12. i was hitting up BB from 330-8.. and it was sick Widow is where its at! boulder park is still huge and freedom is still a shit load of fun
  13. thats cool i wish i didnt get a weekday only seasons pass... well if you ever head up during the week filming or not just let me know cause i probably will be there
  14. sweet shit man haha yeah and the ending is funny as hell! you should head up to boulder one day during the week and we should film some boulder shit.. the jumps on widow are sick so are the hips
  15. when taking a private lesson you are more likely to get a good if not excellent instructor due to the fact you are paying more and the ski school wont just give a private to some one who has a hard time teaching. when i was there they usually gave the privates to the more experienced instructors who have been there for awhile, and the new or first time instructors get the group lessons.
  16. i was a snowboard instructor at CB a few years ago and i can tell you that some of the instructors are doing it just for the fact they get to ride for free, so most of the instructors really arent qualified at all. When we had to do instructor training a few kids couldnt even ride! I would only trust a few of the older instructors there
  17. BB has the best park in PA hands down...
  18. Edit: posted twice
  19. yeah man you right!! better stay away from BB they dont have shit.. go up north
  20. im heaing up to BB tuesday (tomorrow) maybe ill see ya up there
  21. well.. i have long blonde hair and alot of ppl mistake me for a female at first glance .. (not that im proud of it) all else fails i can throw the hair into a pony tail and be called steph for a day hahah okay maybe not...
  22. alright thanks... and yeah ofcourse i didnt mean like someone to just film me but rotate who films and what not.. i have no problem filming others
  23. Ive been trying to get some footy all season so far and no one i ride with owns a camera, my brother took his camera to pittsburg with him so i havent had a single chance for footage. Any one go to BB during the week on a regular basis who owns a camera and wants to film haha?
  24. yeah heres the thread on it http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3564
  25. im glad i dont ride at CB anymore haha i dont have to worry about any of this crap Big Boulder rocks!
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